Surprise (Camsé)

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CC WTW drabble because them

Camden was alone in her hotel room. Because the person she was supposed to be sharing it with still wasn't there yet.

Rosé had told her she'd be there tomorrow, but that seemed like such a long wait that Camden didn't want to deal with. She had Bosco and Deja. And Sasha was cool and Mistress was entertaining. But they weren't Rosé. And she wanted Rosé.

She huffed when her most recent text to the other queen went unanswered. It was very tempting to text her again, but Camden didn't want to come across as clingy. Even though she definitely was.

She tried to distract herself, but that proved to be very difficult. Especially when realizing that Rosé had read her text. She waited for a response. A response that never came. She groaned and threw herself back onto the bed.

There was a bang on the wall. "Stop your pouting. I can hear your groaning from here!" Bosco called out from the other side of the wall. "She'll be here tomorrow."

Camden groaned louder just to spite her. "You don't get it." She said loud enough for her to hear. "She isn't even replying to my texts."

"She's probably busy. Just give her a moment." Bosco said, her words not helping Camden at all. The other queen sighed, curling up on the bed and waiting for a text or even better, a call from Rosé. She doubted she could sleep without one.

It never came. Camden was starting to lose hope. She turned over in the hotel bed, about to force herself to sleep until there was knocking on the door.

She narrowed her eyes but reluctantly pulled herself out of bed. "Bosco I swear to God I don't know which bra Daya would like best." She mumbled, opening the door and expecting to see Bosco there. But instead she almost choked.

Rosé smiled sweetly, her suitcase next to her and a duffel bag over her shoulder. "Hi." She waved.

Camden stared at her, slowly processing what was happening. "I- You fucking bitch-" She threw herself into the other queen's arms, making her squeak and almost fall back into the hallway. "I thought you weren't coming till tomorrow-"

Rosé giggled, hugging her tightly and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I wanted to surprise you." She said, carrying her into the room. "Did I?"

"Well yeah but you had me worried when you weren't answering my texts-" Camden held onto her tightly when Rosé tried placing her down, not caring about being clingy anymore. "I was so lonely."

"Oh you poor thing." Rosé teased, finally managing to place her down on the bed so she could bring her stuff in. But the moment the door was closed, Camden was grabbing her arm and pulling her into bed with her.

The smaller queen pulled herself up on top of her, sitting on her hips and smiling victoriously as she placed her hands on Rosé's chest. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

Rosé smiled up at her her, raising a hand to her cheek and stroking her thumb over it gently. "Same here."

There was another bang on the wall. "Please don't fuck super loud tonight. Rehearsal exhausted me." Bosco said.

Rosé laughed, grabbing Camden by the waist and flipping her onto her back. "No promises." She said before pressing her lips against hers.

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