Camsé Headcanons (Canon Compliant)

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They're married your honor


- It was quite literally love at first sight, come on now.

- They cannot be separated from each other. Doing that is illegal.

- Some part of them must always be touching.

- Rosé gushes about Camden online so much that it's a little concerning but it's also really cute.

- She changed her WTW dates just so she could tour with Camden (that isn't even a headcanon that just,,,,happened)

- There's no need for Camden to sit in an actual seat on the tour bus when she has Rosé's lap. And that's a lot more comfortable anyways.

- But squeezing into one of their bunks together isn't as comfortable. Doesn't stop them from doing it though.

- They're absolutely not subtle so when they actually started dating and tried keeping it a secret it didn't work at all.

- Bosco was the first to make it known that she knew because she was sick of pretending she couldn't see them making out in the dressing room.

- Camden has an addiction to playing with Rosé's hair.

- She can't help it. It just looks so soft and she needs to run her fingers through it.

- Camden likes doing stupid shit that she can potentially hurt herself doing just because Rosé gets scared and goes into protective mode.

- Rosé will carry her around if it means keeping her out of trouble.

- Mistress absolutely loves poking fun at them because it gets Camden all flustered and blushy and Rosé thinks it's adorable.

- Voss just books one hotel room for them to share instead of two at this point.

- Dayasco used to be called the clingiest couple on tour but no Camsé definitely is.

- They literally can't do anything without each other.

- Not even nap. Which is why they've been caught sleeping on top of each other so many times.

- Laganja has started keeping count of how many times she's seen them cuddling and sleeping in really weird places.

- Their before show routine is really sweet and they swear they can't perform right if they skip it.

- It's literally just them giving each other a ton of kisses and neither one of them wanting to let go of the other first.


- Rosé can have Camden bent over anytime, anywhere.

- She likes calling her a good bottom in front of people to make her flustered.

- So much hair pulling. So much.

- Everytime they fuck they swear they won't leave any noticeable marks but no they're covered in hickies and have to spend extra time on their makeup to hide them before meet and greets.

- Camden's such a sucker for praise and a little degradation. Rosé calls her her good slut and she melts.

- Also brat. Brat gets her going too.

- Leashes. That's it.

- Oh and blindfolds.

- Camden tries to hide the fact that she's limping during rehearsal but Rosé watches and just s m i l e s.

- There's always at least one handprint on Camden's ass.

- Rosé calls it claiming what's hers and Camden choked when she said that out loud.

- Speaking of choked she also likes being held by the neck.

- Some of the best sex happens when they're in danger of being caught. Whether that be in Rosé's bunk or in the storage closet at a theater. They'll take what they can get and make the most of it.


I'll probably do a second part soon that's more domestic and not WTW focused

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