The House is Crumbling!

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There was a sudden tremble of the room.

Hanako noticed the feeling with his emotionless expression.

The four Mokkes are getting unease by the quaking sound and movements of the place.

The walls...

The ceilings...

And the floors are moving swiftly.

One of the three floor lamps wobbles, causing it to fall down into the floor.

The lightbulb breaks.

The ghost boy became terror-stricken. His big amber eyes are losing his pupils. Hanako ultimately detected what's going on. "We gotta go!" He freaked.

Yashiro got astounded at him. Then, she squeaked after Hanako sweeps her off from the floor.

The ghost boy carried Yashiro up in a princess style.

His left arm holds his assistant's back. His right arm holds her legs.

Yashiro stared in her blush at him. "Hanako, what the?!" She exclaimed in her inquiry.

The ghost boy starts to go darting down the dimmed room in a haste.

The four Mokkes follows Hanako in a scurry.

The ghost boy was trying to escape the gothic house. Hanako ran away briskly. "No time for your hopeless romance daydreams, Yashiro! The house is crumbling!" He screamed.

And then, the ghost boy's assistant was appalled. "WHA?! But how can that happen, Hanako?!" She panicked.

The ghost boy paces himself faster with his pair of shoes. "According to Tsuchigomori-sensei! The house falls apart if the three nameless demons have fallen!" Hanako shrieked.

The four Mokkes hops forth like the wind.

Yashiro became more fearful. Because she remembered one thing earlier. "Hanako-kun! The back door!" She panicked again.

The ghost boy was feared a lot more. "I know, Yashiro!" He screamed again.

Hanako and his assistant could see the exit of the nameless demons' boundary in the distance.

The ghost boy had to run quickly.

Hanako and Yashiro perturbs. "AHHHHHHHHH!" They are screaming in a fright in unison.

They passed the front door, getting out of the house.

The four Mokkes had fled the place.

The home of the nameless demons demolishes onto the ground hastily. It was becoming debris and rubble.

And they got out of the boundary by running thru the back door.

After Hanako and Yashiro made it out of the nameless demons' boundary, the plum-colored back double-doors vanishes into thin air.

The ghost boy's assistant doesn't bother to open her eyes again.

Hanako opened his eyes, looking so worried.

The ghost boy couldn't stop fleeing until...

Hanako and Yashiro got bumped into the exorcist boy.

The trio collapses into the ground.

Kou shook his head twice. The exorcist boy was irritated at someone. "Hey! Watch where you're even run-" Kou almost rants, but stops himself.

The exorcist boy was becoming speechless.

The ghost boy shook his head three times. Hanako was resolute at Kou. "You should watch where you're running, kid!" Hanako ranted.

The ghost boy's assistant opens her eyes immediately. Yashiro was confused at first.

And then, she became happy at the exorcist boy. "Kou-kun! You're alive!" Yashiro exclaimed.

The exorcist boy crawls swiftly at her. Kou was joyful. "Nene-senpai!" He shouts.

The exorcist boy hugs her on her left side. Kou was getting teary. "I am so relieved that you're big again!" He shouts again.

Yashiro made her awkward smile at the exorcist boy. "I'm okay, Kou...Don't cry..." She reassured.

Hanako pouts a little at the exorcist boy. "When you're done, dry your eyes, kid...It's almost dark..." The ghost boy mentions.

Kou nodded his head twice. "Yeah...I'll do that..." He sobbed.

After the emotional breakdown from the exorcist boy, Kou sits up from the floor, wiping his watery eyes with his left arm.

Hanako levitates up from the ground.

He elevates himself up almost to the ceiling.

The ghost boy's assistant gripped onto Hanako's gakuran. Yashiro got weirded out by floating with the ghost boy. She embraces Hanako in fear, shivering her body a little.

The ghost boy made his mischievous smile at her. "Aw don't tell me my assistant in my arms is afraid of heights." Hanako teased.

Yashiro was perturbing. The ghost boy's assistant furrowed her eyebrows. "No I'm afraid of you for not putting me down for this minute! Hanako-kun, I don't want you to have me fly around with you and not get me down!" She panicked.

The exorcist boy was angry at the ghost boy. Kou raised his fists in the air, looking up. "Hey! Hanako! Get her down!" He argues.

The ghost boy glances down and says, "Nope."

Kou made his frustrating noise from his clenched teeth. "Hanako! Get down here and let her go! Nene and I got school! And the bathroom cleaning!" Kou argues again.

The ghost boy became astonished after the exorcist boy said that.

Hanako lowered himself from the ceiling to the floor gradually.

The ghost boy was on his feet to the ground.

Yashiro opened her eyes. She was baffled at Hanako.

The ghost boy was smiling at her. "Hurry home and be back for school tomorrow, 'kay?" He wondered.

Yashiro nodded her head as her reply.

Hanako grins at her.

Kou and Yashiro left the Kamome Gakuen Academy.

Since Nene Yashiro became small back in the practice garden, the exorcist boy was the one who retrieved the light pink backpack.

She was thankful to Kou for getting the strawberry-colored backpack for her.

Hanako heads up to the school's roof. The ghost boy rests his both arms on the iron railings.

Hanako looks up at the sky, thinking about his assistant.

He was emotionless.

There was no future of telling when Yashiro would meet her fate someday.

Hanako wished himself that there was a way to save his assistant.

What do you think? Last part and my notes soon!

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