Morning in the Classroom

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"Or this is what I heard about the rumor lately, Nene-Chan."

The purple-haired girl named Aoi Akane told her best friend about the rumor. She seemed to be interested about it.

As for Yashiro Nene, who listened to Aoi about the latest rumor in school, well...

She was scared as heck.

Yashiro had lots of thoughts about the rumor.

"Ehh?! The supernatural disguising itself into one of us?! The humans like us?! This is bad! So, so, so bad! I can't imagine! A supernatural going nice and polite like a friendly ghost! But wait!" She thought in her mind.

Yashiro puts her two hands to her both cheeks.

She looked up to the ceiling, thinking about the new supernatural.

Yashiro was going cute eyes, smiling in her positive look on her expression.

She swung her pair of thick legs under her desk lightly.

Her excitement grew.

"Aoi said it could be either a boy or a girl...Maybe the supernatural is a girl...Making friends with a girl isn't so hard...We'll just socialize after I accept whatever baked goods she gives away...We'll talk for awhile...We'll share secrets to each other...And do what girls do...Maybe she's actually a nice the Mokkes, who gives a piece of candy to you...Why not...What harm could do to me...Or...Oh! Or maybe the supernatural was disguising itself as a terrifying beast...who is actually the prince...A supernatural prince! Oh my! This supernatural will be even behaved like a gentleman! WITHOUT EVEN TO GET EMBARRASSED BY A CERTAIN SOMEONE! WHO ISN'T MY TYPE! OH MY! THE SUPERNATURAL PRINCE! I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU SOMEDAY!" Yashiro thought again.

Aoi was confused at her best friend.

She was trying to snap her out of her daydream.

"Uhh, Nene-chan? NENE-Chan?" Aoi asked, waving her right hand in front of Yashiro's face a few times.

Then, Aoi smiled sweetly at her. "Oh, Nene-chan, she's daydreaming about boys again..." Aoi whispers.

The purple-haired girl headed back to her seat.

Yashiro still has twinkling stars on her pair of magenta eyes, swinging her legs excitedly at the same time.


Someone calls her name.

"Yashiro. Yashiro! Yashiro, wake up and stop moving your daikon legs!"

She suddenly woke up from her daydream.

"Huh?" Yashiro wondered in bewilderment.

She couldn't believe what she's seeing now.

The ghost boy with black choppy hair.

He was wearing his old school uniform.

His black shoes with red socks.

His black pants.

His black gakuran with gold buttons.

He had a white shirt under it.

And he had a black hat too.

It was not only a ghost boy who's been a school mystery for over fifty years.


Her eyes are widened in surprise.

"Hanako-Kun...?" Yashiro whispered in question.

Yup, Hanako of the Toilet, School Mystery Number Seven.

Yashiro Gets Shrunk by a SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now