The Boundary of Nameless Demons 1

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It was after school of Kamome Gakuen Academy.

Despite what happened to Nene Yashiro, the bathroom cleaning in the abandoned girls' bathroom had to be cancelled for one day.

Hanako and Kou followed Fox Yako to The Boundary of Nameless Demons.

They walked thru the high school's hallway.

As for the small version of Yashiro, she was on the ghost boy's right shoulder. She sat on him with her legs hanging out. Yashiro looks to her left, getting nervous for the ghost boy's idea for her ride. "Hanako-kun!" She called. Yashiro holds onto the ghost boy's gakuran. "Are you sure it's all right for me to be riding on your shoulder?!" She asked.

Hanako looks to his right with his big amber eyes. The ghost boy was smiling. "It's definitely okay with me. The Mokke used to ride on my shoulders sometimes." He answered.

The exorcist boy was on Hanako's right side. Kou was confident. The exorcist boy faced the small version of Yashiro. "It'll be fine, Nene. We are absolutely certain that the green demon will help you." Kou assured.

Yashiro glanced at the exorcist boy. She sighed after Kou mentioned about the positivity. Yashiro was glad. She made her awkward smile.

Hanako raised his left index finger up. "Actually, it's the green demon with no name, kid." The ghost boy corrected.

Kou narrowed his eyes at Hanako. The exorcist boy was annoyed at the ghost boy. "Whatever." Kou said.

Yako grumbles on the way to one boundary with demons with no names. The fox didn't like Tsuchigomori so much. To Yako, the teacher with arachnid arms is a pest.

The exorcist boy glances at the fox. Kou was mystified. "Hey, Yako, you do know the way to the nameless demons' boundary, right?" He wonders.

Yako looks at the exorcist boy. The fox glimpses by her right eye. "Yes, human." She replies.

Yako glanced forward. The fox was irritated as usual. "To The Boundary of Nameless Demons, you'll be going to the back of the school building." She stated.

Hanako, Kou and Yashiro are confused.

The ghost boy blinked his eyes once. "Are you saying there's the back door around here?" Hanako asks.

Yako nodded her head. "Precisely." The fox answers.

Kou raises his left eyebrow. "Back door? What back door?" He wondered.

Yako halts her paws. The fox looked up. "This back door." She replied.

Hanako and Kou stops. They follows where Yako was staring at.

And then, Hanako, Kou and the small version of Yashiro are frightened. Their eyes are widened in fear.

There was the biggest plum-colored back door of the old school building. It's a double-door. The pair of black door knockers has the design of the monstrous heads. They got fangs, holding the door handles. The two faces resembles the gruesome hounds with pointed ears.

Fox Yako faced them. "This is as far as I go. Don't expect me to help you again." She mentioned.

Yashiro looks down at the fox. Her both hands pretends to be a megaphone. "Thank you, Yako-san!" She calls out.

Kou was confident. "Yeah, thanks for taking us there, Yako!" He exclaimed.

Hanako was delighted. "And no more fighting with Tsuchigomori-sensei, Yako or..." he trailed off his sentence.

Hanako brought out his kitchen knife. "Fox Udon..." he threatened.

Yako was fearful at the ghost boy.

And then, the fox was irritated. "You humans are unpredictable! Giving me gratitude just because I was forced to help you three! And honorable number seven, I will not fight with that Emo Spider if neither of us starts that again!" Yako vented.

The ghost boy puts his kitchen knife away. "Good. See you on the next school day." Hanako said.

The fox scurried away before Yako said, "I couldn't count on that."

Kou, Hanako and Yashiro just stared at the scary back door.

The exorcist boy was anxious. "Um, what are we supposed to do after this?" Kou asked.

Hanako was perplexed. "Well...According to Tsuchigomori-sensei, he instructed us to use the door knockers to get the back door open...We have to knock it five times all together..." He answered.

She looked at the ghost boy, feeling scared. "Both door knockers at the same time?!" Yashiro exclaimed in her inquiry.

The exorcist boy gestured at the two door knockers. "You saw how big the gargoyles' heads are. It's enormous." Kou clarified.

The exorcist boy shook his head. "There's no way we could do that all together." Kou complains.

Hanako picked up the small version of Yashiro. The ghost boy was resolute. "And who says that you have to do it by yourself?" He inquired.

She was bewildered. The small version of Yashiro looks up at the ghost boy. "Eh?" She inquires.

Hanako puts her in the exorcist boy's blue shirt pocket. "Let me give you a lending hand." He urged.

The small version of Yashiro glances up at Kou.

The exorcist boy looks down at Little Yashiro. Kou was getting light pink on his cheeks.

And the exorcist boy turns his head away from her. Kou cleared his throat. "Ahem, not a bad idea, Hanako." He said in his sulk.

The exorcist boy grabbed the door knocker on the left. "Nene, cover your ears. It's gotta be loud." Kou warned.

The small version of Yashiro nodded her head twice. She uses her both hands to conceal her ears. Her expression was emotionless.

The ghost boy takes the door knocker on the right.

Hanako faces Kou. "Ready, kid?" Hanako wonders.

Kou faced Hanako. The exorcist boy was steadfast. "Ready." Kou replies.

Hanako and Kou attempts to lift the door knockers simultaneously.

And they banged it at the plum-colored back door.


Hanako and Kou do it again.


They put their muscles into it. For Hanako, he's easier because he's a ghost.


The small version of Yashiro got spirals on her magenta eyes. Her whole body vibrates from the banging sound. "Wahhhhh!" She screams.


Hanako and Kou tries again one more time.


The dark purple double-back-doors opened by itself.

The white light came out of the plum-colored back door.

Hanako, Kou and Yashiro closed her eyes from the brightest light.

After the whitish light fades, there is shallow water on their shoes.

When Hanako, Kou and Yashiro opens their eyes, they are astounded.

And right in front of them... the home of the nameless demons...

The place seemed to be the gothic house.

On the entrance of the place has two gargoyles right behind the front door.

Hanako was dreading. "The demons with no names lives there...?" He inquired in his frightening voice.

She was petrified. "Wha...?" Little Yashiro gasps in her inquiry.

Kou was close to lose his blue eyes. "It's like we're living in a horror movie..." he whispered.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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