The Mouse Hole by the Tree 2

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In the abandoned girls' bathroom, Hanako waits patiently for his red hakujoudai to return.

The ghost boy watches thru the stained glass window.

Hanako was emotionless, thinking about how to save his assistant from her untimely fate.

She didn't have much to live.

He wished the death shouldn't be on Yashiro.

She was innocent, kind and strong.

Hanako may have been blushed before, because Yashiro kissed his right cheek before the summer festival happened.

If she kissed him on the cheek again, he would be flustered more than her.

After the ghost boy had thoughts about Yashiro for a few minutes, the red hakujoudai came back.

Hanako faced his red orb. "Have you found my assistant?" He asked.

The ghost boy's red hakujoudai shifts itself up and down twice, confirming her presence.

It was Hanako's red hakujoudai answer.

The ghost boy understood, nodding his head once.

Hanako teleported himself to the practice garden.

And he did.

The ghost boy was on his feet to the ground.

Hanako was serious. The ghost boy browses the outdoor area.

He detected Yashiro's light pink backpack.

The ghost boy browses the practice garden again. He looked at his red levitating orb. "Are you sure she's here?" Hanako wondered.

The ghost boy's red hakujoudai believed so.

And then, Hanako changes his serious face into his mischievous smile. The ghost boy has his left hand to his ear. "I think you are right. 'Cause I just hear my assistant calling my name." He perceived.


The two sweet mice leads the confused soil-covered girl to their home.

The dark gray and the apricot one.

Yashiro becomes surprised. "So...this is your home?" She inquired.

Just like other forest animals' homes, they are leaves and sticks all over the ground.

The two mice nodded their heads twice at her.

They are beaming.

Yashiro checks the place.

And a moment or two, the little apricot mouse popped out from under the leaf.

She was affectionate at it. Yashiro crouched down to it. "Awe, a baby mouse!" She squealed.

The baby apricot mouse made the cutest squeak.

Yashiro's got a big star on her both magenta eyes. "Oh, how adorable! It's so precious looking!" She exclaimed.

Yashiro faced the dark gray and apricot mouse. "You two are the first-time parents." She said happily.

The two adult mice are proud in their eyes.

Yashiro was smiling. "Hey, congratulations to you both! I'm sure you're going to be good parents to your-" she almost reassured the dark gray and apricot mouse.

When Yashiro faces the baby apricot mouse again, her face became astounded.

Her eyes are widened. "Eh?!" She inquired in her exclamation.

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