Better safe than sorry

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Yashiro headed to the rooftop of the Kamome Gakuen Academy.

Eating lunch with or without Hanako, she needed a place to think after this morning.

Start of the flashback;

The purple-haired girl shows her best friend the pink baked good.

Aoi was happy with the pretty thing. It was a cherry blossom dessert with white frosting on top. "Nene-chan, look at this! Someone left me a cupcake in my locker!" Aoi exclaimed.

Yashiro was surprised by her best friend. "A cupcake?" She asked.

Aoi nodded her head. "Yup." She answered.

The purple-haired girl was thrilled. "I don't know who did that. I also wanna thank whoever gave it to me." She stated.

Yashiro was still surprised, shaking her head left to right twice. "I don't know who either, Aoi but..." She trailed off her words.

Yashiro showed her best friend something in her both hands.

Aoi was beaming at her. "Whoa! You got a cupcake too?!" She squealed.

Yashiro stared at it, didn't know what to expect of it.

They don't just get cupcakes from a mysterious sender out of nowhere.

And no note and the name mentioning from the giver.

Aoi made a gentle smile at her. "So what are you gonna do with your cupcake, Nene-chan?" She wondered.

Yashiro was lost in thought. She wakes up from her deep thinking. Yashiro became awkward. "Eh?!" She exclaims.

Instead of replying to her best friend's question, the red-and-brown-haired boy with glasses appeared.

"Maybe you can split your cupcake with me, Aoi! It looks too big to eat it by yourself!" He suggested in his exclamation, smiling at the purple-haired girl.

Yashiro was bewildered at him. "Akane-kun!" She exclaimed.

Aoi nodded at him in agreement. "That's a good idea!" She exclaims happily.

Akane crisscrossed his arms, feeling pleased in curiosity. "Say, Aoi, how do I do?" He wonders.

The purple-haired girl ponders. "Hmmm..." Then, Aoi opens her few fingers up in the air. "Three points." She replied.

Akane became gloomy afterwards, freaking out that he didn't win Aoi's heart again.

And then, it was just Yashiro, Aoi and Akane in another empty classroom.


The purple-haired girl got frozen in time.

Yashiro was unease. "Wha?! Aoi?!" She freaked out.

Akane was not concerned. "We're fifteen minutes early, Nene..." he said.

Yashiro faces Akane, getting baffled. "Oh! That's right! You're one of the seven school mysteries!" She exclaimed.

He held the big pocket watch in his left hand.

Akane made a slight smile at Yashiro. "In secret that is." He comments.

The cream-colored-haired girl with magenta eyes was concerning. "I don't understand...Why did you freeze time on my best friend all of a sudden?" Yashiro asks.

Akane walked up to Aoi, who is standing in her frozen state, smiling sweetly.

As much as he wants to stare at the purple-haired girl all day...

But the school mystery number one has an important goal.

Akane was firm. "Your friend, Minamoto-kouhai, was looking for you..." He answers.

Yashiro got more surprised. "Kou-kun...was looking" She wondered, gesturing herself.

Akane takes something from Aoi's hands. "He claims there's the supernatural activity around our school." He replies.

Akane shows Yashiro what he got from Aoi. "I think THIS looks suspicious..." He uttered.

Yashiro was annoyed at him. "Hey! That belongs to my best friend!" She accused.

Akane was skeptical. "Someone left you a sweet thing in your locker? No note? No name of the person? Or...Should I say a ghost?" He inquired.

Yashiro became stunned. "Wha?" She asked.

Akane puts his hands on his hips. "Are you okay that it's safe to eat a dessert from a total stranger? Seriously?" He inquires more.

The school mystery number one really mean it.

Yashiro feels melancholy. She stares at the cherry blossom cupcake, having second thoughts about the unexpected dilemma.

Yashiro shifts her head up to face him.

Akane made a reassuring smile. "I would get rid of it if I were you, Nene." He said.

Akane put the pink cupcake with white frosting in a brown paper bag.

He held it to his head level with his right hand. "Better safe than sorry." Akane commented.

End of the flashback;

Yashiro sighs, still feeling melancholy over the unusual circumstance over the sweet gift.

She had trouble finding Kou after what Akane told her in the classroom.

So Yashiro decided to wait for Hanako to show up in the roof area.

It was only a little later than noon.

She waited patiently for her ghost friend to appear for more than five minutes.

Yashiro kept staring at the cherry blossom cupcake.

Then, she started to drool from the bottom of her mouth.

Yashiro was frustrated. "Awww...I know Akane told me to get rid of it...But I was hoping Hanako could tell me why...after I ask him about the rumor Aoi told me today..." She utters.

Then, Yashiro was overwhelmed. "WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! I DON'T WANT TO EAT THIS BY MYSELF! IT'S TOO BIG!" She argued herself.

And Yashiro was gloomy. "If I eat it, my dinner will be spoiled." She mentioned.

The blue-haired girl arrived in her school uniform to the rooftop. She was a bit chubby than the rest of girls.

The blue-haired girl steps forth to the cream-colored-haired girl.

She was enthusiastic. "Oh, is this your eating spot?" The blue-haired girl asked her.

Yashiro turned to see the girl with blue hair and blue eyes.

She was friendly-looking. "It was my eating spot too." The blue-haired girl stated.

What do you think? Next part soon!

Yashiro Gets Shrunk by a SupernaturalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang