I'm Shrinking?!

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On another day at Kamome Gakuen Academy...

Yashiro wore her outfit for gardening.

She wore her white and dark red, long-sleeved, zipped-up sweat-jacket. Yashiro has a white shirt under her sweat-jacket. She wears her navy blue short bottoms with white trims. Yashiro has her dark brown tights on her legs. And she got her pair a white high-top sneakers.

Her pair of magatamas have returned on her head. Yet her hairstyle stays the same, her long ponytail.

Yashiro had a gardening hoe on her right hand. She was thrilled. Yashiro's smile was proud. "Okay then! Time to work in the practice garden!" she exclaimed confidently.

Yashiro begun plowing the soil with the gardening hoe. She was making a new patch to add for the out-door area.

Yashiro got new planting seeds for the new gardening patch.

After half hour of plowing thru the dirt, she checks her new planting seeds in her light pink backpack.

When Yashiro brought it out of her strawberry color backpack, she got a packet of the purplish vegetables. The picture of the vegetable is a round purple-looking with green stem on the top.

Yashiro was excited. "I have not done this before. And I can't wait to use this today." She said.

Yashiro crouched down to start the planting process. She carefully buried each vegetable seed into the ground of the new garden patch.

Yashiro got up and move to the next spot in a few inches away.

While she repeats the processing of burying the vegetable seeds, the silhouette of the human boy covers Yashiro's light pink backpack.

His pair of hands left her an onigiri on top of her strawberry backpack. With the white napkin and the note along with it.

After she finished planting the purple vegetable seeds into the soil, Yashiro heads to the watering can.

Before she went back to the new gardening patch, Yashiro realized something on top of her light pink backpack.

She put the watering can on the ground.

Yashiro walks to her strawberry color backpack.

She was confused.

Yashiro grabbed the medium-sized piece of paper and read it out loud.

Dear Yashiro,

I can't help noticing that you have the prettiest hair I have ever seen.

She stopped reading.

Yashiro had her three little stars on her eyes. "Oh my gosh! It's a love letter!" She squealed.

Yashiro checked the note again, rereading it out loud. She got her red blushes on her cheeks while she reads;

Dear Yashiro,

I can't help noticing that you have the prettiest hair I have ever seen. Wait for me in the practice garden. If you stayed, maybe I confess my feelings to you.

Your secret admirer

Her heart rate elevated. She hugs the love letter after she's done reading. Yashiro was getting lovey-dovey all over her face. The hearts of red and pink appears from her head. "I'm finally going to meet my mysterious prince!" She sighs.

Yashiro's in love. She remembered the onigiri on top of her light pink backpack.

Yashiro picked up the onigiri and ate the top of it.

She chews a couple times until she realizes...

Yashiro was beaming. "Strawberry filled onigiri, my favorite!" She squeals.

Yashiro noms on the onigiri again. She was loving it. "How does my secret admirer know my favorite snack?" Yashiro inquires herself.

After she finishes her onigiri, Yashiro took the watering can up from the ground.

She watered the new garden patch for a few minutes until...

Yashiro became baffled from her stomach. "Eh?" She inquired.

Her tummy rumbled.

Yashiro made her awkward smile. Her sweatdrop appeared on her head. "Oh, my stomach's growling because I ate something. Heh heh." She reassures herself.

Yashiro was about to resume her watering the seeds.

And suddenly, she glanced down at her white shoes.

Yashiro was getting weirded out. "Is it just me or is my feet getting smaller and smaller?" She inquires.

Yashiro looks up at the morning sky view.

She was going downwards gradually.

And ultimately...

Yashiro was fearful. "Wha?! I'm shrinking?!" She screamed in her inquiry.

She dropped the watering can clumsily, spilling water over the dirt in the process.

Yashiro browsed her hands.

She was fearing the worse.

Yashiro IS shrinking to the size of the thumb.

She tripped herself after her shrinking has halted.

Yashiro became disgusted by the ground. "Grr-gross! I'm covered in dirt!" She gagged in exclamation.

And then, Yashiro was shocked. Her eyes are widened. "OH NOOOOOOO!" She shrieked.

Her screaming got heard in the whole practice garden.

"I'M AS SMALL AS A DAIKON!" Yashiro panicked.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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