Yashiro's Hunger Strike 2

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After Yashiro whispered to the ghost boy in the abandoned girls' bathroom, Hanako and Kou are concerning of her.

The ghost boy waved his both arms in a frantic. Hanako panics for his assistant. "Yashiro, you meant to tell me that you-you haven't been eating anything all day?!" Hanako exclaims in his question.

Kou was worried. "Nene, what about the toast you have in your mouth this morning?" he asked.

Yashiro was melancholy. She regretted herself for being honest to Hanako. Although, Yashiro had to get a thing out of her chest. "I throw it away." she answered.

The ghost boy was bewildered. "Did you bring lunch, Yashiro?" Hanako wonders.

"I told my parents that I'm getting lunch." she lied.

Yashiro's mom prepared lunch for her. Then, she declined it. Yashiro reassures her mother that she'll buy lunch at her high school.

But Yashiro did not.

The exorcist boy expects her that she did eat something. "Did you buy lunch today, Nene?" Kou asks.

Yashiro shook her head. "I don't have the yens to afford it." she answers.

Note: Yens means money for Japanese currency. Thank you.

Hanako and Kou are dreaded about Yashiro's sudden lack of eating.

It was a serious matter.

Hanako extended his both arms at his assistant. "Yashiro, you can't just skipped meals every day!" he argued.

She was sulking at the ghost boy. "I can if I want to, Hanako-kun!" Yashiro ranted.

Kou gripped the mop. The exorcist boy was bothered. "Nene-senpai, Hanako was right! You can't miss out on breakfast, lunch and dinner all the time!" Kou vented.

Yashiro pouts her lips at the exorcist boy. "Yes I can, Kou-kun!" she argues.

Hanako grasped her shoulders. The ghost boy looks at his assistant in the eye. Hanako was solemn. "Yashiro, please. The sudden hairstyle changed. Not eating and drinking anything. This isn't you." he said.

She was baffling at the ghost boy.

Hanako fixes Yashiro's little strand of cream-colored hair. His left hand puts her hair behind her ear. "For what's gotten into you, you're upset about something." he mentions.

She blinked her eyes once.

Hanako gave her his pleading eyes. "Please, Yashiro, tell me why you put yourself on a hunger strike." he begged.

The exorcist boy was irritated at the ghost boy. "Hey, I'm right here!" Kou complained.

Hanako made a big smile. "And the kid too." he mentioned.

She took a deep breath. Yashiro was sad. "I was only doing it if the demon with no name comes back again. And I figured if I could be more careful with supernaturals and demons, I think I can accomplish my willpower over temptations." she explained.

Hanako and Kou stared at each other blankly.

Then, the exorcist boy was unease. "Nene-senpai, that's not a good reason for you to do that." Kou said.

Hanako was sympathetic at her. "Yashiro, that nameless bluish monster ISN'T coming back. You scared it away with your threatening face." he reassured.

She sighed before she says, "It is because that blue demon with attitude problems called me Miss-Daikon-Girl."

The ghost boy pats her both shoulders three times. "And you proved that jerk you're not." Hanako said.

Yashiro was amazed after being patted by the ghost boy.

Hanako made a solemn smile at her. "Just forget about yesterday and move on for tomorrow. And end your silly hunger strike of yours, 'kay?" he insisted.

She changes her sadness into a confident smile.

Yashiro was cheerful. "Oh-'kay, thanks, Hanako-kun!" she exclaimed happily.

Kou was glad at her. "That's good to hear, Nene." he commented.

The ghost boy was pleased. "Can't have my assistant go hungry over nothing. And please bring back your cute little horn hair clip-pys. I missed them already." Hanako said.

Yashiro becomes irked at the ghost boy. "I told you before! My magatamas are not horns, Hanako-kun!" she shouted.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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