Yashiro's Decision

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Note: One of the main characters' point of view. And the italic font means the character speaking about the story so far. Enjoy, everyone!

Yashiro's POV;


I am Nene Yashiro, the female hero of the story.

I was in my bedroom, working on my homework after today's school day. I had my notebook with me on my desk, trying to concentrate on one of the school subjects.

The rumor I tried to understand about back in Kamome Academy is a mind-blower.

Hours ago, Aoi told me this morning about the latest rumor. The supernatural being who disguised itself as a human. Well, most of the rumor is true.

The blue-haired girl named Kyomi turns out to be a nameless bluish demon. It wore its black kimono with red peonies. And it wields the shuriken on its right hand. I guess the blue demon with no name is a ninja?

Anyway, Hanako thinks that the nameless blue monster was the one about the cupcakes. The cherry blossom cupcakes in the students' lockers. Plus, he ate it from me.

Even Hanako is a ghost. He confirms himself that he is immune to other supernatural powers. Maybe the white seal on his left cheek was his protection?

Anyhow, my point for talking about today is...

Before I started the cleaning duty in the girls' bathroom, Hanako hugged and told me in his soft voice.

'Don't your parents ever taught you not to talk to strangers?'

I was feeling guilty about that. I haven't meet or seen Kyomi...or the blue demon with no name before...I got deceived so easily...Probably I was scared over that topic...

Then, Hanako holds me tightly. He sighed before saying...

'What really makes me feel happy now...is you're unharmed from the blue monster...Please stay safe for me, okay?'

I could have swore that I saw his sad smile on his face.

I must have.

Hanako may be a teaser and childish...But he's still caring around me...

I nodded after Hanako asked me.

After I am done with my homework, I feed my hamster with hamster food to Black Canyon.

Ugh...I can't believe the ghost boy stands on my feet in my classroom...

I'm still sore but at least I can still walk.

And worse of all, in the girls' bathroom...

Hanako booped my nose!




Ahem...pardon me, I overreacted...

Well, I'm considering about what to do tomorrow at school.

If the blue demon with no name tries to come back, I have three things in my mind.

One...I had to be more cautious than last time...

Two...I gotta study almost all subjects to pass before summer begins...

And three...I have a suggestion to myself...that I might work on my self-control...

I'm going on a hunger strike...

What do you think? Next part soon!

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