Kou Investigates

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The bell rang at Kamome Gakuen Academy.

Kou scrolled down the hallway, passing the classroom doors and lockers. The exorcist boy was smiling. Probably couldn't wait to see Nene soon at the abandoned girls' bathroom.

Before the bell rings again for class to start, Kou decides to check if she is with the ghost boy.

When the exorcist boy made it to the abandoned girls' bathroom, Kou notices that Nene is not there.

So what did the exorcist boy do?

Kou walked to the third stall of the bathroom. The exorcist boy knocked three times on the third stall door and said, "Hanako, Hanako, are you in there?"

The third bathroom stall door opens itself. The whole third bathroom stall was empty.

Then, the voice heard out of nowhere.

"I'm heeeeeere!" The ghost boy's voice chirped.

Kou scanned the third bathroom stall. The exorcist boy was bothered. "Hey, where are you, Hanako?" Kou inquired.

After a few moments of quiet, the exorcist boy was irritated, growling a little bit.

When Kou turns around to leave, the ghost boy appears in front of his face, grinning like the forest guardian.

Hanako's eyes are completely white.

The exorcist boy got startled by him, screaming in fear. Kou runs backwards, hitting himself against the wall. The exorcist boy perturbs, shaking his head several times.

The ghost boy's white eyes changes back into big amber. Hanako wrapped his arms around his gut. "A-hahahahaha!" He laughed.

The ghost boy's right hand points at Kou. "You should have seen the look on your face, kid! Hahaha!" He laughs heartily.

The exorcist boy opens his eyes. Kou was angry at the ghost boy. "That was not funny!" He ranted.

Hanako was happy and childish. "I bet I got to see Yashiro's face when I did that!" He exclaimed.

The exorcist boy was mystified at the ghost boy. "What are you talking about?" Kou inquires.

Hanako stopped laughing. The ghost boy was baffled at the exorcist boy. "Wait, she's not here yet?" Hanako inquired.

Kou blinked his eyes once. The exorcist boy was bothered. "No, I didn't see Nene coming here." He mentioned.

And all of a sudden, Hanako became concerned. "Boy, I need you to find Yashiro. My hakujoudai will monitor the search for my assistant. We can figure out what happened to her in an instant." He urged worryingly.

Kou nodded his head at him. The exorcist boy had the same expression with the ghost boy. "I'm on it, Hanako! I got this!" Kou exclaimed, leaving the abandoned girls' bathroom quickly.

Hanako's red orb left the area, beginning the search for Nene Yashiro.


Kou and the red hakujoudai are split up.

The exorcist boy goes student to student, asking them if they see Nene.

Nobody has seen her.

And ultimately, Aoi runs to Kou.

She was anxious, facing the exorcist boy. "Kou-kun! I haven't seen Nene-chan! I thought she was in the bathroom!" Aoi exclaims in her concerning tone.

The exorcist boy has to try again one more time. "Hey, did you see Nene, Aoi?" Kou wondered.

The purple-haired girl shook her head. "No, just her backpack in the practice garden." She replied.

The exorcist boy nodded his head at her. Kou finds his lead. "I will check there! Thanks, Aoi!" He exclaimed, going in a hurry in the hallway.

She waved at the exorcist boy. Aoi made a sad smile at him. "Tell Nene-chan I said hi!" Aoi hollered.


Kou dashes with his shoes like a stressed dog, squeaking while stomping to the practice garden.

The exorcist boy halts to the doorway. Kou was out of breath from so much running.

After the exorcist boy catches his breath for some seconds, Kou looks out the outdoor area.

The exorcist boy was surprised to see a familiar old school uniform. "Hanako?!" Kou blurts out.

The ghost boy IS here, standing in the middle of the empty garden patch.

Hanako's two orbs levitates above the ghost boy, red and green.

The exorcist boy faced his backside.

Hanako seems to look down at his hands.

But why?

The ghost boy turned his head to his right.

Hanako was joyful at him. "Boy, you're gonna be so happy who I found here." He said.

The ghost boy rotated himself to his front-side.

Hanako was holding someone in his hands together.

The ghost boy showed him the little soil-covered girl.

Not just a girl in the gardening outfit.

It was the tiresome girl with cream-colored hair with teal tips.

Kou became astonished at Hanako's hands. "Nene..." Kou sighed. The exorcist boy can't suggest if he's mind-blown or relieved.

The good question is...How did Hanako find Yashiro before Kou arrived?

You're read about Hanako finding Yashiro soon on the next part! What do you think?

Yashiro Gets Shrunk by a SupernaturalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon