The Boundary of Nameless Demons 3

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The green demon was friendly-looking in its black kimono with white peonies. The green monster made a gentle smile. "Hello, Minamoto-kun. Honorable number seven, I see you brought your little friend with you. I've been expecting you three." The green demon greeted.

The exorcist boy was confused. "What?" Kou inquired.

The ghost boy's assistant was baffled. "Eh?" Yashiro inquires. She blinked her eyes once.

Hanako was shocked. "Huh?" He inquires too.

After a few moments of silence, the ghost boy clears his throat. "Mm-hm." Hanako said.

The ghost boy moves the small version of Yashiro carefully onto his both hands together.

Hanako's assistant was only getting up halfway. The small version of Yashiro looks up at the green monster bafflingly.

The ghost boy was smiling with his eyes narrowed. "Demon with no name, I don't know how you know us. But yes, my assistant in my hands has ate something that made her as small as my thumb." Hanako explained.

The green demon leans down to the little girl with cream-colored hair with teal tips. "What is your name, miss?" The green monster asked.

The ghost boy's assistant made an awkward smile at it. "Uh...Nene Yashiro..." She answered.

The green demon nodded its head once. "What a pleasure to meet you, Nene." The green monster said sweetly.

The exorcist boy was bothered at the green demon. "Hey. I got a question for you." Kou said.

The green monster looked at the exorcist boy. "Yes, Minamoto-kun." The green demon said.

Kou swallows himself before asking, "Just how the heck do you know about Hanako and my name?"

The green monster made an understanding smile. "Ah, my blue demon friend was talkative. It has been talking nonstop since school mystery number seven intervened its first attempt. I'm really glad that ghost did. I kept telling the blue monster that having a human as a pet is too much responsibility." The green monster answers part of his question.

The small version of Yashiro tilted her head to her left. "And Kou-kun?" She wonders.

The green demon glances down at her. "If it's the Minamoto-kun you're referring to, Nene, let's just say I have been watching closely for his elder brother." The green monster replies.

The exorcist boy blinked his eyes twice at the green demon. Kou was a bit surprised.

The green monster gestures its left hand. "Please, please come inside." The green demon insists.

The green monster goes to the room on its right. The green demon giggles. "I will have Nene back to her actual life-size in a jiffy." The green monster assures.

Hanako and Kou heads in the gothic house.

The front door shuts itself afterwards.


In the room of the nameless demons house, there are marbled countertops. There was the wooden cutting board and vary of kitchen knives next to it. The tiled floor of black and white. There was also a sink on another marbled countertop. The mahogany dining table set. And there are various fruits and vegetables in eight wicket baskets on the benches. Four baskets on each bench.

The exorcist boy was astounded at the appearance of the area. "It's a kitchen." Kou observed.

The ghost boy was annoyed. "If this room is a kitchen, where's the fridge and the stove?" Hanako wondered.

The green demon was delighted at the two boys. "Oh, these two are in the next room, adjoined with the kitchen in fact." The green monster replied, pointing out to the other side to the left.

Kou and Hanako peeped in the doorway.

Kou turned on the light switch from the wall.

The ceiling lamp lit up.

In the next room, there IS the fridge and the stove.

The black refrigerator was placed on the right corner of the room.

The black stove was also placed on the left corner of the room. It was facing in the diagonal direction.

The small version of Yashiro was happy. "They are in the other room. A two-room kitchen." She noticed.

The ghost boy was confident, browsing around the area. "For only two kitchen appliances, there's lots of space left though." Hanako mentioned.

The exorcist boy was puzzled. "Hmmm...It does need more than just a fridge and a stove..." Kou suggested.

The green demon brings over the white folding table, still folded in half. "I hope you two boys know how to cook. Because I need more helpers for meal preparations." The green monster said.

The exorcist boy glanced at the green demon. "Wait, you're asking us to prepare a meal for Nene-senpai?" Kou asks.

The ghost boy looked at the green monster blankly.

The green demon went in the other room. The green monster sets up the folding table to the middle of the area. "I have two demons who used to help me cook. Unfortunately, the blue one was just stressed from the human it can't capture two days ago. And the red one was recently exorcised." The green demon answers in its explanation.

Kou and Hanako are concerned about the two demons, including the small version of Yashiro.

The ghost boy made his nervous smile at the green monster. "So where's the blue demon with no name, green one?" Hanako wonders.

The green monster faces at the ghost boy. "Out for the holiday." The green demon replies.

Kou tilts his head to his head. "You mean it is taking on a vacation?" The exorcist boy asked.

The green monster faced at Kou. "The blue demon needs to settle down its nerves. The blue monster is with the other supernatural creatures. It's not gonna come back for awhile." The green demon answered.

Hanako, Kou and the ghost boy's assistant breathed out a relief.

The green monster made its enthusiastic smile. "So...Minamoto-kun and honorable number seven..." The green demon said.

They blinked their eyes at the green monster in the state of confusion.

The green demon puts its hands together, hoping for their reply soon. "Will you help me cook a special dish for Nene? To help her grow back to normal again?" The green monster wondered.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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