The Door is Locked?!

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Hanako runs away from the green demon.

The ghost boy has his assistant in his hands to his chest.

The small version of Yashiro looks up at Hanako worryingly.

The ghost boy hurries in the dimmed room.

There are scones lighting up in the room.

She was bewildered at him. "I don't get it, Hanako! You know how to get me big again all along?!" The small version of Yashiro exclaimed.

The ghost boy concentrated himself in the low light area. "Long story short...Tsuchigomori-sensei had researched about the solution...of growing a human its original size years ago...Just in case if...someone did got a demon with no name...I have to...write it all down...on my remember that..." Hanako panted.

The ghost boy's assistant tugs his gakuran. "What about Kou-kun?!" She asked.

Hanako kept passing by so many light scones. "The kid's fine...He's stalling out the green demon..." The ghost boy answered.

The small version of Yashiro tugged his gakuran harder. "Hanako-kun! Kou cannot fight the green monster by himself!" She panicked.

The ghost boy was afraid of his assistant. "Yashiro, I have to get you big again first! Do not worry! We're almost there!" Hanako urged.

After a few minutes of hurrying thru the dimmed room, the ghost boy halted to the lavender-colored door.

Hanako was smiling down at her. "Here we are!" The ghost boy chirps.

The small version of Yashiro looks at the door bafflingly. "Thru this door?" She wondered.

Hanako nodded his head at her. "Mm-hm." He said.

The ghost boy's left hand holds his little assistant. Hanako's right hand extends to the doorknob. "I got the instructions for your size problem. So I'll handle this from here." He assured.

Hanako rotated the doorknob.

The door didn't open.

The ghost boy was bewildered at it.

Hanako efforts to jingle on the doorknob a couple times.

The small version of Yashiro blinked her eyes at it. "Maybe it's locked." She guesses.

The ghost boy jingled the doorknob again. "It can't be locked. Some supernatural creatures have no idea how to lock a door." Hanako mentions.

The ghost boy puts the small version of Yashiro down to the floor. "Stay here. And don't go wandering." Hanako ordered.

She looked up at the ghost boy.

Hanako attempts to go jingling the doorknob one more time.

The ghost boy got frustrated. "Oooh, come on." He argued.

Hanako uses his left side of his body to push the door open three times. "It's jammed." He whispers.

While the ghost boy keeps banging on the door...

The small version of Yashiro checks her surroundings. She got curious about the area.

The small version of Yashiro became surprised at the bottom of the door.

There IS a hole on the door. Big enough to fit a mouse.

She smiles big in her delightful mood.

The small version of Yashiro walked to the hole. She crouched herself down to go thru the hole.

And then, the ghost boy's assistant came back from the hole, peeping thru it. The small version of Yashiro looked up. "Haaaaaanako-kuuuuun!" She chirped.

The ghost boy stopped. Hanako became astonished after he glances down at the floor. "Yashiro?!" The ghost boy freaks out.

Hanako goes down to his knees. The ghost boy leans down himself to see his assistant up close. "You...You can fit thru that hole on the door?!" He exclaims in his inquiry.

The small version of Yashiro nodded her head, smiling big. "Yes." She confirmed.

The ghost boy's right index finger lifts up, swaying left to right a few times. "Yashiro, this is a big task for a little assistant." Hanako said.

The small version of Yashiro furrows her eyebrows with her sweet smile. "The only way I could be big again. Just tell me what to do and I'll go for it." She assures.

The ghost boy sits his upper body straight. Hanako pulls out his notepad from inside of his gakuran. He contemplated at it for four seconds.

Hanako was puzzling at his assistant. "By yourself?" He asks.

The small version of Yashiro wasn't going back now. "I'll be SO careful. Come on, Hanako. Tell me what to do." She insists in her answer.

The ghost boy sighs. Hanako made his sad smile at her. "Okay, Yashiro. But you return to me when each step is done." He said.

The ghost boy's assistant nodded her head at him. "Mm!" She said with her mouth closed.

What do you think? Next part soon!

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