chapter 52

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I had left the bedroom as soon as Ismahan had fallen asleep. My anger was still present. Once I stepped out of the house, my eyes caught the boys that were still standing outside.

"Is she okay?" Nur appears immediately by my side.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Adam asks concerned.

The rest of the boys are all concerned. There faces shows feel concern for Ismahan.

"Some dude attacked her in the shop, harshly kicked and slapped her. He pulled her hijab off too." I grit my teeth angrily, trying not to think about it. He was looking for a death wish.

"Oh my!" Nur gasps, his hand covering his mouth. Mustafa had a shocked face. "Why would he do that?" Nur ask shocked, his eyes blurring. "He told her he despise Muslims. So he attacked her." My voice breaks and my eyes blurs with tears.

"I mean, she just wanted to get some flowers and sweet treats. That's all." My tears falls. "He didn't need to attack her like that." My head falls back as my chest erupts with pain.

Seeing my wife cry had broke me.

"Watch her, until I get back." I tell the boys. They nod at m. "Be careful."

I had rushed to my car so fast and pulled out of the driveway. It took me less than a few minutes to get to the shop Ismahan had described. Once I caught the store, I parked the car and got out.

I step into the store and I'm met with a tall cashier seated behind the desk. Once he notices me, he stands up and smiles. It looked fake.

I watch as his eyes takes up to my fez on my head then at my eyes again. "Hi, now can i help you?" He asks. I take the hint of tense in his voice as he looks at me. He steps out from behind the desk.

"Hi, by any chance has a female with a black hijab step here inside? Or did you maybe see her?"

"Uh... Some woman stepped in about half hour ago. She came for flowers and chocolates." The cashier nods at me as he comes to realization who we speaking of.

"Do you work here alone?" He nods his head at me.

"What's your name?" The cashier looks at me confused, but he soon covers it up with a blank face.

"I'm Brian Axel, nice to meet you."

"Won't say the say, but yeah. Nice to meet you too, ig."

"Uhm, so what can I get you?"

"I'll take a bouquet of purple and white tulips mixed together, with a purple cover wrapping. Then I'll take some variety of chocolates packed in a box."

"Coming right up."

As he walks past me, he bends down on his knees on the other side of the store to collect some tulips. As his back turns to me, I take my approach softly.

My anger flares and i pull him back by the head making him fall onto his back.

"What the heck man?" Brain looks at me in anger. My foot pressed tightly to his neck making him choke slightly before I release. I kneel down to him and grip his head with my hand.

"The woman who was here half hour ago..."

He looks at me suddenly fearful.

"She's my wife."

I watch as his eyes widens.

I pull on his hair tightly and he winces shamelessly. "You pushed her, kicked her, slapped her and even pulled her hijab off. Something precious to her. Her hijab and you shamelessly pulled it off from her head." My eyes darkens at him.

He slightly twitches and tries to get out of my hold yet I pull on his hair much more with fast, some of his remainders will probably be sitting on my hand.

"I wanted to have an amazing day with her today. Take her out and buy her her favourite tulips. Buy her  her favourite snacks and drinks. I wanted to spend my first day as a married man with her, happily."

"Until you had to ruin her day!"


My fist had landed so hard onto his face that he fell back. He screams in pain and I see the tip of his nose starts bleeding.

"It's our first day being married and you decided to ruin the day. Why? Because you hate us Muslims? Well guess what, I don't care who you are and what you are. You touched my wife and hurt my wife."

"Wait wait!" He screams. "I'm sorry!" He cries out.

"You shouldn't be saying that to me."

"My wife is asleep right now. You know how I felt when she cried in my arms. Whimpered and told me what happened? Do you know how I felt as I heard the love of my life cried?"

"I'm sorry!"

Another punch and another.

"Don't you ever hurt my wife again. I don't want you within ten miles from her and I hope to never see your face again." I grit my teeth and he nods understanding me.

"I'm sorry?"

I punch him another time.

"I'll take the tulips." I tell him.

He immediately crouches and tries to get up. Once he does he gathers the tulips and wraps it as fast as he can.

"Make it neatly please." I grit out.

"Oh yes!" He nods immediately.

Once he finishes he packs the variety of chocolates in a box neatly with a wrapper over the box.

As I take out my wallet he stops me.

"It's for free."

I had hold myself back from breaking his jaw. Maybe his limb too. He should be lucky I hadn't beaten him up further.

I hope my love is okay.

Nodding I take the things and make my way out.


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