chapter 33

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Hamza had made me a cup of tea after we hugged for another few minutes. He's always there. He always seems to be there when I fall into another episode of my trauma or depression.

He's all over.

He stayed for a while, till I was knocked out with sleep. He tucked me into bed and made me recite my sleeping prayer. He's urge to kiss me was obvious. Yet he doesn't do it. He's waiting. For our marriage.

The next morning I woke up late. It was almost noon. Somehow no one seemed to come wake me. Hamza had probably told them not to. He's so caring and kind. So unique and handsome too.

I cannot stop thinking about yesterday. I was in Hamza's arms, on the fricking floor. While I was balling my eyes out. Yet, he stayed with me till I fell asleep even if it took some time for me to. He even went to make me his signature tea.

I got up out of bed going to the bathroom. I'm looking into the mirror at my reflection and my eyes are puffy. My cheeks are red and i still have teary stains on my cheeks. I look awful.

I refreshen up quickly and step out of the room. Once I walked down the passage, Hamza comes into view. He's in the kitchen. Alone. Making something.

"Salaam, you're up?" He says firstly as he sets eyes on me. I nod my head as he looks at me, then continues to do whatever he is doing. "I am." I whisper softly.

"Are you feeling better?" He asks me as he places at few pancakes on a plate on top of each other. I only mumble a soft yes and he continues to speak. "You slept in pretty late. I'm glad you did though." He smiles at me and places the plate of pancakes infront of me.

He rushes to the fridge and pours me ice tea. My favourite flavoured one. He puts the glass of ice tea next to the pancakes. Then he places a few strawberries in the pancakes.

"I'm not sure what syrup you'd like." He says softly. "Maybe strawberry syrup?" He looks at me and I can't help but smile. He literally knows all my likes. "Yes, kanalah." I say softly. He then pours some syrup all over my pancakes.

Not to mention, why does he look so handsome? He's wearing black sweatpants and a black shirt. I can see his arms. They're pretty muscular.

I shake my head and focused on my breakfast.

"Dig in."

"Shukran." I start digging into my breakfast, made by the one and only Hamza Zain.

"Where is everyone?"  I ask as I take a sip from my ice tea. He takes a seat next to me only with a cup of tea in his hand.

"The girls are at the pool. And the guys are doing whatever. I told the girls you are sleeping in because they were looking for you. Ibrahim akhi was pretty concerned. About you."

"Why?" I look at him confused.

"He knows about last night." Hamza says softly. My eyes doesn't leave Hamza and I drop my fork.

"He knows something is wrong. When I went to make tea for you, he was in the kitchen too. He couldn't help but worry about you." My eyes begins to blur.

I hate making people worry about me.

"Don't cry, love." He immediately wipes a tear from my face with his thumb.

"I j-just don't want to worry anyone."

"I understand, love. Maybe you could speak to him." He suggests with a smile small and his hands leaves my face. I sniff softly, blinking my eyes to remove any more tears.

"Yeah, I should probably do that."

"Eat up, love."


Life of MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang