chapter 47

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I had Ismahan's heels in my hands holding onto them by the strap ends. She whined about her feet hurting and proceeded to take them off. Before she could take them, i took the chance to grab it and hold it for her while she insisted on walking barefeet to the car after we had left the wedding venue.

I watch as she steps towards her house door walking along the porch with the most brightest smile of all time. This woman had my heart. The most beautiful woman I have ever set eyes on. Alhamdulilah.

The guests were staying till late to have more fun. However ismahan and I just wanted to cuddle up at home and watch movies. That's how we ended up leaving before the guests and Akhi ibrahim and his wife decided that they would clean up along with the rest. Of course Ismahan and I declined but theu still insisted on doing it.

And that's how we here right now, at Ismahan's house as she opens the door and hops inside on her pale light skinned feet. "Home sweet home." Is what I heard her mumbled with a completed sigh.

I cannot stop looking at her. I watch her turn around to me as i step inside and close the door softly. I set her heels down on the side of the door so that it's out of the way.

She's wearing the most beautiful princess popped out gown that has sparkly glitters all over. It's so white and pretty, just like her and her sparkly hijab.

Insanely gorgeous. I don't think I'll ever stop saying it.

"Let's go make wudhu and make salahtul shukran." Ismahan says softly as she steps closer to me. My heart suddenly pounds with loud erratic beats as I watch her stepping closer.

"Yeah, let's do that." I nod my head, my feet dragging me closer to her too. She comes within an inch from me andy hand reaches out grabbing onto hers and immediately interlocks.

"Maybe we can watch some movies too?" She suggests on a questionable way. I give her a small smile nodding my head. "Yes love, let's do that. I'll make some tea for us too."

"And I'll get the snacks." She responds with a flashing  smile.
Her cheeks reddens, as I...

Press my lips to her forehead.

Our first kiss.

My lips lingers to her forehead before I move back a couple seconds later. She tilts her head down, her cheeks flaring with red blush. My eyes takes the sight before me with admirable eyes and passion for the woman.

"Shy?" I tease softly. She shakes her head.

"Sure?" I ask making a hm sound.

"I'm not!" She whines, her head coming back up to look at me. I chuckle slightly as I see her forming pout on her lips. "Cute." I say.

She tries to hold her smile, bit horribly fail. So she covers it up with, "come on! Let's go!"

She drags my hand with hers up the stairs until we're in the prayer room then she finally let's go of me. "Hold my hand longer!" I say. She looks at me giggling escaping her lips.

"After salaah." She teases and my smile lifts.

We both made wudhu (ablution) and two prayer mats, once set and laid a bit forward than the other and i take the forward one while Isma takes the one behind. I had lead our salaah and finished off with a silent duaa.

Softly I say, "oh Allah, I ask you for the goodness within her and the goodness that she is inclined towards, and I seek refuge with you from the evil to which she is inclined to." I take another breath and continue,

"Bless our marriage, oh Allah. Bless it with good, peace and happiness. Make our love fruitful for your goodness and to our joy both here and eternity."

After our duaas are done made, both Ismahan and I shared a silent moment. Once it ended I immediately lay back with my head resting on her lap. She looks down at me in her pretty sparkly hijab with a smile.

"So pretty." I whisper looking up at her. She takes my hand into hers and brings it close to her mouth kissing the back of my hand. She then brings it to her cheek and snuggles to my hand. Bold, love. Bold.

My chuckle escapes and she looks at me shyly.

"It's okay, you can do whatever you want, love." She nods her head at me and continued to snuggle into my hand with her cheek.

We continue to sit in the position for a few minutes more before we both got up.

"You can go freshen up and get into comfortable clothes while I go make some tea for us." She nods her head at me. "Okay." She smiles and leaves to the room next door, her room.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a few bowls and placed them on the counter. After I put on some water for it to boil and placed the teabags and sugar in the two cups.

I place all sorts of sweet treats in each bowl. Once the water boiled fully I completed the tea and ended up making happy tea.

Just as I was about to place all the bowls in the tray and put them aside—

"Hamza!" I hear Ismahan calls me from upstairs and I immediately respond. "Yes?" It's silent for a few seconds, until she responds to me again.

"Can you come help me kanalah?"


And I ran all the way up the stairs, just to please my pretty wife.

My gorgeous woman.


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