chapter 26

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It's quite sunny today. The birds chirping and flying across the sky. The traffic isn't as bad as any other day today. Today felt good. A good day.

Hamza parks into Ismahan's driveway. It's currently early in the morning that I'm here already. Well Ismahan wanted me to be here early. Like I am weak for her, I arrive early.

We haven't spoken anything about the wedding that will take place or the nikkah or anything related to her acception on marrying me. Ismahan and i agreed after we tell our friends our surprise, we would start planning together, inshallah.

Ismahan was the type to having everything in order. Yet, I loved that about her. She likes preparation. And speaking to me about it, about what's her plan forward was really important to me.

Communication is the key. And I don't want us to drift pass that. I needed communication and Ismahan knew it. So alhamdulilah we both know more about each other.

I helped Ismahan yesterday pack her bags ready. She is staying a day or two after the weekend and i agreed to stay too. We're off for the next week, meaning no classes for the both of us. After we packed she packed her personal things, while I placed all her bags and things one side downstairs.

After, she felt like baking some cake and like a weak person I am for her, I helped her make a cake. We both decorated it prettily and stored it in a box and into the fridge. Then she makes some more sweet desserts. I think she likes baking.

My car door is opened by me and I get out. I'm wearing a light grey thobe. I kick it off with my black air forces and my gold wrist watch. I hear the door of Ismahan's house opening and my direction is faced to it. Ismahan appears in the doorway waving at me.

I immediately wave back at her as she smiles and she walks back inside leaving the door open. I make my way inside.

"Salaam wa alaykum." I greet softly. She's down on her knees at the coffee table looking for something inside her bag. "wa alaykumusalaam. I'm almost ready." She rushes out fastly. She seems to be in a hurry. "It's okay. Take your time, love."

Her head perks up with redden cheeks. No words?

"You always blush when I call you love." I smile.

"Because!" She whines.

"Because?" My brow raises in curiosity.

"I get tingles." She mumbles shyly, looking back down and closes her bag with a small smile. "Oh, the tingles." I say nodding my head. "I see..." I click my tongue with the inside of my mouth making a tsk sound. "still adorable as always." I say then.

"What can I help you with, love."

"Can you take those bags and things, I'll go take the desserts out and bring them." She says softly. I nod my head doing my duty while she do hers.

After some time, everything was sorted. Ismahan locks her door after double checking everything is okay inside the house and outside. She rushes over to the car of mine and I'm already leaning over the center console holding the door open for her.

She smile as she approaches the car to taking the door handle and getting inside. Her seatbelt is fasten and mine is too. Ismahan always prefer safety first.

"Ready?" I ask her and she nods.

"Okay let's go." I pull out of her driveway and we both immediately recite our travelling prayer.

The car ride is pretty silent with the only sound inside the car is Maher Zain playing through the radio tape. Ismahan's staring out the front window as she hums to the song.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her. It's pretty early morning and I'm sure she hasn't eaten yet. She looks at me nodding her head fastly. "Starving." She responds and laughs. I do too.

"Should we get some breakfast on the way? What do you want to eat?" I ask her softly. I go off the freeway going the same direction, just going to get some food on the way.

"Anything is fine." She says softly. "Okay." I do.

Silence appears again, yet I don't want that.

"You look very pretty today." My eyes are on the road as I confess how pretty she looks. Come on, she looks breathtaking everyday.

She for a split second lands her eyes on mine before breaking the look by looking to the front. I do the same and I notice her cheeks are red. Her hands are on her lap as she fiddles with her fingers cutely.

"Shukran." She whispers.

She's wearing a grey, thin strap satin dress that goes till her ankles. Underneath she wears her white long sleeve collar shirt. Her gold wrist watch and a fine thin gold chain as for accessories. She's wearing flip flops again today, black ones. She kinda likes those flip flops. Then she tops it off with a grey chiffon that's pinned by each side of the ear with the one side coming over the chest to cover. A bit of her white under cap is visible.

She looks breathtaking, like the stars and the moon.

"You look pretty too." My own heart surprises me by the confession of hers as she says. My heart betrays me, pounding instantly. I watch as she takes a look at me, how I'm dressed, what I'm dressed in.

Yet, her lips finds its way to curve brightly.

"Shukran, my love." I say softly. She hums nodding.

"So what's this holiday house of yours?" I keep my conversation going. I like that it's not difficult for either of us to make conversation other than our shyness making us not do it.

Her head perks up at this question.

"My parents. They bought this holiday house up mountain side. It's so beautiful. It's very big too and there is a waterfall. It's like just so beautiful. You'll understand when you see it." My heart swells as she speaks so happily about it.

"Hmm, it sounds like it's a fun place too." I say.

"It is. My dad and I use to jump off the water fall when I was younger. We would go and swim for hours." Her eyes glistens in comfort as she continues speaking about her dad.

Her dad must have been her hero.

"He would let me get on his back and he would walk through the forest while he sang to me." Her head tilts back, closing her eyes as she tries to imagine her past memories of her deceased father.

Definitely hero. Her father was her hero, her comfort and her saviour.  Judging by the way her eyes lit up in sparks, her hands that clasps together tightly as she imagines her dad again. Her head that tilts back with closed eyes, and her sad smile that still lingers on her lips.

It was pretty much obvious. He was her everything. He was her world and will always be her world. He was her hero. Not those heros in the movies that wears the cape. But the one that loved dearly and endlessly. The one that secured and provided safety.

"He sounds like an amazing father." I assure her.

"He is, he was." Her smile saddens and her eyes opens.

"He does sound amazing. Gosh. I would of loved to meet him." I say softly, my head hits back against the seat with a smile.

"We would've definitely get along." I say nodding my head. She bursts into a laugher as she looks at me.

Then i too start laughing at my own remark.

Life with her would be the best. Definitely. This girl? And me? These moments right now. These moments are already my favourite moments.

Yet, I'm dying to have her as my wife.

With her, I feel secured, safe, happy, comforted.

She is the one I want. No one else.


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