chapter 30

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It was the first night of staying at this kick ass holiday house of Ismahan and to say, this place was definitely so cool.

After the girls and guys celebrated with cake, they decided to go take a swim in the pool. While I relaxed on the benches outside that was by the pools, I watched as Ismahan enjoy her time in the pool with her friends. She wore her black burkini with a black small burka.

(Burkini is like what the Muslims wear when they swim. It's all covered up from head till ankles. A burka is also a head scarf, just not the complicated one.)

Ismahan and I occasionally made eye contact as she swims in the pool. My eyes wouldn't leave her as she gently swam and as her lips curves into small little smiles and giggles.

And as nighttime arrives, everyone was so helpful in the kitchen as dinner was being made. One made this then another was with making that. Another made the table nice and set it so everyone could sit together and eat comfortably at the table.

It wasn't till everyone had bid their salaam and goodnight and everyone was pretty knocked out a few minutes later. It was pretty a tiring day.

After I had greeted Ismahan salaam at her room door, I made my way towards my room. I took a shower and hot dressed into grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

However, here I am. It's about 1AM and I can't seem to get any sleep. My eyes doesn't seem to close, therefore here I am walking down the stairs making my way towards the huge living room.

The interior of this whole house was insanely cool.

I plopped down on one of the comfy couches with a blanket covering only my lower half. I switched on the TV, going into Netflix looking for something to watch. My favourite, fast and furious. I lay myself down on the couch gently.

My mind is on Ismahan. Only her. I can't stop thinking about her. She always comes into my mind any time of the day. My lips had immediately lifted at the thought of her.

I was so engaged into watching the movie. Suddenly I heard light footsteps that made my ears perk up. I looked towards the stairs to seeing Ismahan dressed in her light pink night wear. She's wearing a burka.

"Why are you up?" My voice is heard throughout the silent room and she immediately shrieks at my voice. She looks at me with widen eyes as her hand grips onto her chest. My heart flips at the cute sight.

"You scared me!" She says taking a deep breath. She walks the rest of the stairs down. She looks at me and I smile at her. "Maaf, I didn't mean to scare you." I say softly. She makes her way towards the living room.

"It's okay. I'm up because I couldn't sleep." She says and plops down at the couch next to me. When my eyes roam down to her feet, she's bare feet. "The floors are cold, why aren't you wearing socks or shoes?" My concern strikes up. She looks down at her feet. "I'm quite familiar with it. It's okay."

She brings her feet up on the couch crossing them.

"Can you...." Her voice trails. Yet, I look her with a small smile. "Can you make me some tea?" She asks softly, turning her head to the opposite side so she does not have to look at me.

"Yes, of course." I say softly, chuckling. "You really love my tea hm?" I tease and she looks at me. She fiddles with her fingers in her lap shyly. She nods her head at me.

"I do, you make it the best." She says softly. My heart swells at the statement.

"I'm glad to hear that, love." I say. I get up throwing the blankets off me. I watch as she roams her eyes all over me, especially my open arms. My eyes then goes to my arms then I look at her.

And she makes eye contact with me. She looks away as her cheeks heats up crimson red.

My heart swells deeply and my smile lifts.

"What are you watching?" She asks, changing the tension between us. She looks at the TV and so do I.

"Fast and furious. I couldn't sleep either so I came down to watch something." She nods her head with concern.

"Are you okay? Why can't you sleep?" She bombards.

" I'm okay, I just don't know why i can't sleep."

She seems to take in the words for a few seconds then nods at me. She then also gets up and walks to me. "Let's go make tea!" She excitedly exclaims. I laugh at her as I nod my head and follow her like a lost little puppy.

"I think I want some cake too." I say as I put a kettle of water on to boil. She's standing opposite me, the kitchen island between us blocking us from coming any closer. "Would you like some?" She nods.

"I'll take out some cake." She says. She rushes around the kitchen island to get to the refrigerator. She takes out chocolate cake that was left over from the earlier celebration. "Chocolate or?" She asks me as i place two cups down on the table.

"Chocolate Kanalah." She nods and closes the fridge and comes to stand next to me placing the chocolate cake down. She opens the draw where all the eating utensils are and takes out two forks and a knife.

She takes two plates and cuts each of us some cake. While she does that and puts the rest away, I finish up the tea and take it to the living room. She comes seconds later inside the living room with the plates.

"Shukran." She says softly and takes a cup of tea. She sips slowly as it's still hot, yet thay doesn't seem to faze her and takes another sip. She sighs in delight. "You like?" I ask as I watch her smiling.

"I love." She responds, chuckling. "How'd you learn to make such good tea?" She asks and pulls a plate of cake towards her. I shrug my shoulders, taking a cup of tea into my hands. It warms my hands.

"My dad and I have this thing. It's called Happy Tea." I say smiling at the memory of my dad. She looks at me also smiling, almost like she knows what I'm about to say to her.

"He'd make me this tea. It's a normal cup of tea but somehow it just had a different sweet, milky taste. He would always make me this tea whenever I woke up or when I was studying, or doing homework. Anytime. And everytime I loved it."

"Wow." She says. "He sounds like an awesome father." She smiles at me. She smiles so much nowadays. I hope she always seem to smile, every day and every night.

"He was." It's all I say.

"I like it when you speak about your parents too." I say. She looks at me, confusedly tilting her head. "Your eyes sparkle when you speak about them." She instantly smile at my words.

"I do?" I nod.

"I want your eyes to sparkle when you speak about me too."

She gasps. Head tilts down. Blushing madly.

I smile at her, not ever going to remove my eyes from her as she falls into her shy phase.

She's my little gem.


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