chapter 18

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Ismahan is seated next to Imaan, Salmaan's sister. Hamza had just left us to go up to the stage to do the grand opening of reciting the holy Quran. Ismahan fiddles with her fingers beneath the table. There are so many people. She wasn't good with it.

Her eyes stays on Hamza as he seats himself down at the stage. The mic is placed infront of him and his eyes takes a glance to Ismahan's. She smiles at him and nods, yet he does the same. She throws him a thumbs up. She loves his voice. She fell at peace when he recited Surah An Nur that one night. He's voice is peaceful and beautiful. Peaks of a Hafiz.

(Hafiz is when a person (male) finishes the memorization of the holy Quran. Haafitha is for the females that memorized the holy Quran)

The room goes silent as Hamza clears his throat into the mic grabbing everyone's attention. Ismahan gazes at the boy up on the stage and her heart pounds, just by looking at him. Her eyes never leaving his.

"Asalaam wa alaykom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu." He greets gently yet politely with a smile. The crowd goes by replying softly with "wa alaykumusalaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh." It's a thing that people do in Islam. "I'm Hamza Zain." Hamza looks over to the crowd. "Before I do the opening of Quran recitation. I'd like to say a few words. Is it okay if I do?" He asked, his hand coming up to his neck scratching awkwardly. He chuckles softly.

"Yes!" A person says from the sitting crowd.

"I just want to say. Mubarak to my friend. Salmaan. May Allah grant you happiness in dunya and akhirah. May Allah grant contentment in your heart and as well to ease all your silent battles you face everyday in secret or in public. May you have a splendid life with Allah in it and always to depend on Allah ta Allah. Shukran for being a great friend to me."

(Dunya - world. Akhirah - hereafter)

"Ameen!" The crowd says.

Hamza clears his throat. Silence. He takes three deep breaths before he starts reciting a duaa. He starts off a surah too with the first surah in the Quran, Surah Al fatiha. He follows it by reciting Surah Yaaseen and Surah An Nisa.

As he recites surah An Nisa - woman. His eyes glances at Ismahan who is already looking at him with doe eyes. She doesn't takes her eyes off him and gently rocks side to side to his soothing voice.

She smiles at him. And Imaan catches it. She watches as the two eyes each other with pure love interest and adoration. She immediately smiles, already rooting for the two.

As Hamza was finishing off his recitation food was served. When he finishes everyone erupts with words like "beautiful", "mashallah" etc.

Everyone digged in and ate.

Hamza made his way to Ismahan and took a seat next to her. Imaan with no shame digged in too obviously. It was just Ismahan, imaan and Hamza at the one table. So, more food to them.

"Why aren't you eating?" Hamza's voice is heard and Ismahan looks at him. She was snacking on snacks. Hamza was dishing himself food.

"I'm not really hungry. I've eating snacks the whole time." Ismahan says softly. Imaan looks between the two with adoration.

"Well I'm fishing you food and you're going to eat." Hamza says.

"But-" Hamza shakes his head, cutting her off.

"Kanalah, just eat. You have to make sure to eat properly. You can be snacking on snacks whole night. Get atleast one good meal in." Hamza says gently.

"Okay..." The girl mumbles. "Shukran." She says.

"No need to thank me, love."

Right then imaan squeals. Her head falling back in adoration. Hamza looks at her perplexed. He totally forgot about imaan that was with them at the table.

"Shoot! I forgot you were here." Hamza says.

"It's okay. Continue whatever was just happening and pretend I'm not here." Hamza laughs. He passes the meal that was on the plate to Ismahan. Maher Zain begins to play in the background.

"I haven't seen Mustafa. Is he here?" Hamza glances at Ismahan to make sure she's eating before  looking at imaan. She nods her head gently before sipping from her coke. "Yes, he's here." Hamza nods.

"Who's Mustafa?"

"Mustafa, Salmaan and I were in the same class group when we did our hifths. Childhood friends, like i said about Salmaan." Hamza nods to Ismahan.  Ismahan nods her head.

The party went by quickly and it was time for guests to leave. Hamza and Ismahan were one of the last people to leave. They had bid their goodbyes to everyone and left. Ismahan also managed to get imaan's contact number.

The two were in the car and Hamza had parked the car in Ismahan's home driveway. Neither of the two were exchanging words. However, Ismahan breaks it.

"Shukran for tonight. I had fun." She smiles looking out the window, avoiding hamza's eyes. She cannot maintain eye contact.

"Afwan. I'm glad you had a good time." Hamza nods, one hand on the steering wheel. Ismahan turns to look at him.

"I-" she wants to say something...

He looks at her, awaiting her words.

"Hamza..." She calls him softly.


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