Chapter 26-Jack and Jill

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Tom hung up the phone and slugged over to the door. Expecting the worse he opened the door. Thankfully it was the boys. The filed in and Tom quickly closed the door behind him. He didn't realize how loud it had gotten out in the auditorium. Apparently Zoe had to be so called escorted out as fans and a few others attempted to physically come for her.

"Is she ok?" Gustav questioned as he plopped down on the couch.

"Yeah" Tom answered, a smile appearing on his face. The rest of the band took that smile as a good sign.

Anzelika snuggled under the covers and let out a sigh. She placed both of her hands on her stomach and smiled.

"You think you can go to sleep without me?"

Leena had appeared in Anzelikas doorway, a playful look on her face. Anzelika and Leena had formed a little thing where sometimes they'd act like a couple. Tom and bill  didnt mind nor feel irritated or jealous to this matter. They both found it adorable and was happy Anzelika finally had a female friend and vice versa on Leena's end. She had colleagues, aqaintinces, but never anyone to call a friend.

"Climb in bitch" she lifted to cover, signaling leena to lay next to her. Leena practically dove under the covers, pulling most of them off of Anzelika. She rolled her eyes as leena made a obnoxious "ahhh" sound as she shifted down under the blankets

"Your lucky I have more than one blanket or I'd make you sleep in the floor for that"

Leena only laughed and yawned and settled down into Anzelikas bed.

Leena dozed off pretty quickly and Anzelika heard the sounds of everyone else settle down for bed. Tom kept his promise and called her as soon as he returned back to his hotel. They stayed up quite late, almost early morning talking. An hour or two of that time was Tom talking to the twins. He finally made Anzelika go to bed, seeing how she needed rest and her appointment was at 12pm.

She finally told him goodnight and hung up the phone. As she shifted down into her bed, Leena rolled over and sprawled her arm and leg across Anzelika, her arm cradling Anzelikas stomach. She couldn't help but laugh at Leena's sleepy actions. She closed her eyes and snuggled close with her blanket. There was still a whiff of toms aroma on it. She smiled and inhaled deeply and dozed off feeling more than relaxed.

"Alright let's get everything set up"

The nurse smeared a cold jelly like substance on Anzelikas stomach. She felt goosebumps cover her arms. Doctor Oliver, the same docotr that had been with the Anotonovs and the band through the whole ordeal was going to be present during the appointment.

The nurse placed a ultrasound wand on Anzelikas stomach the doctor turned the screen more towards her. She squinted as she watched two small baby figures appear on the screen.

"My babies..." she gasped as she reached towards the screen.

"Yes there they are. They are very healthy and have been properly developing which tells me you have been following the proper precautions"

Anzelika nodded and smiled and turned towards Ky,  who squeezed her hand and tried to keep the happy tears from forming in his eyes.

"Alright alright let's see what's going on here" the doctor said as he observed the screen and the nurse rested the wand in the middle of her stomach.

"Ok...I think we got ourselves a boy"

Ky's eyes lit up and he let out a gasp in unison with his sister. She squeezed his hand and waved it around. She knew Tom and the rest of the band would be more than excited to have a son, and a nephew.

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