Chapter 13- Regret and heartbreak

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Ever since Anzelika broke up with Tom, a small pit in her stomach feared that he would easily find someone else, seeing how what Lucas had told her was accurate referring to Tom's past. She remembered watching the same interview Lucas had mentioned, Tom's words about not believing in a soulmate or true love echoing in her head. Her chest tightened as she noticed the date of the video, being dated a few weeks before they met. She tried to convince herself that something could've changed, but her head and heart were at war again. He was Tom Kaulitz for gods sake, he could get anyone he wanted, he could easily replace her, he could have any woman wrapped around his finger.

She slammed her fists down onto her desk causing a few things to knock over and grabbed her keys.

She had barely slept and had dark bags under her eyes and her hair was messed up. She hadn't changed in 4 days, wearing the same pair of black sweatpants and a old t-shirt.

She huffed down the stairs, not even noticing Bill in the living room with Ky, as well as thier father. She threw on a pair of shoes and slammed the door.

It had been almost a week since she had broke it off with Tom and she could feel everything hitting her more than ever, getting even more upset at the fact that it bothered her.

She arrived at the liquor store, and bought a few bottles. It wasn't as much as when she almost drank herself to oblivion when the Mabel incident happened, but it was still a shocking amount. She had about 4 big bottles  and several small bottles all laid on the counter. The guy behind the register gave her a funny look, her only returning half a glare. He quietly bagged up the bottles and pushed the bag across the counter, which she snatched and flew out the door.

She didn't even take a second glance when she came through the  front door, stomping her feet as she dove up the stairs and back into her room. She grabbed whatever bottle she could find first and tore it open, drinking until her stomach felt like it was on fire.

Regret poured over her body as she felt the alcohol settle, letting out a low groan. She squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to stop the thoughts of Tom and another girl consume her mind. But since she was the one that broke it off, her mind was telling her she wasn't allowed to be hurt. She was only allowed to feel relieved in knowing she made the right decision . But nothing about it felt right anymore. She rubbed the sides of her head, trying to erase the images of Tom and someone else, trying to erase him all together. But he was carved into her soul and heart like set  marble stone.

What she didn't know was across town, in his sad and dark apartment, Tom was drinking his thoughts and feelings away too. Anton was snuggled next to him, nestling his head on Tom's shoulder as he cried softly. Tom laid on the couch, his hand hanging off the side with a now almost empty bottle, while the other wrapped around Capper.

"What am i gonna do Capper? I can't live without her. I-I just can't" his voice cracked as he rubbed the dogs head. Capper let out a sigh, licking his lips and looking at Tom with sad and sympathetic eyes.

Tom closed his eyes and felt as even more tears escaped the corner of his eyes. The grip he had on the bottle tightened as he brought it up to his lips and didn't stop drinking from it till it was empty, ignoring the fact he couldn't breath halfway through, his chest burning.

He had spent hours trying to comprehend why she made that decision. He knew it hurt her, but for all he knew, she could've moved on from the emotion and pushed it deep down, not giving a slight care about him anymore. His mind rang with her words, the words that cut through his chest in the hospital bed. The words hurt more than the wound he had in his side and the pulsing pain above his eye.he would rather get stabbed 100 times then hear those words ever again. He couldn't help but think that what Lucas said in the restaurant had gotten to her, and his stomach tightened at the fact that what Lucas had said was true, but it was before he met Anzelika.


He had said he needed love for one night. But with her, he wanted her love and her love only, every  day and night for the rest of his life. He She made him feel a way no other girl had, it drove him crazy, it overwhelmed him at times. When they first met, she wanted nothing to do with him, which was something he wasn't used to, coming from a female. With her, he always felt hunger, a need, a burning fire. she  had always been something about her that just drew him in, something he couldn't get enough of. She was a drug and he felt withdrawled from her presence. He couldn't even bring himself to look at another girl when he was with her. And of course he knew Anzelika wasn't one for even going after guys but she had changed a lot since she first met him, so who was to say she wouldn't?

He couldn't deny that, yes since she's entered his life things have gotten chaotic, but that's how life is, his life was even chaotic without her in it. It had its twists and turns, it's ups and downs. He couldn't even think about life before her. He didn't even pay attention to anything else, his mind only focused on the good things about her and with her. Even when the bad moments came to his mind, all he could think about is that he was thankful she was there with him through it all. Tears poured out of his eyes nonstop as his head began to pound, recalling as much as he could with her, small images of her and someone else entering his head every now and then which earned a very angry shot from Tom.

He shut his eyes and let out a shuddering sigh.

"I'm going to get her back"

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