Chapter 23-Parted

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Tom had hung up the phone beyond pissed. The bands manger decided to spring on him that he had decided that the band would go on a short tour due to the fact they were quote on quote overdue for one.

He did miss the routine of tour but with Anzelika being pregnant, his avoidance grew stronger to the idea. The rest of the band was somewhat eager, wanting to at least return to the good part of life. Winter had begun to make an appearance and Tom couldn't stand to be on the road and didn't like the idea of being out in the cold without being near the warmth of his fiancé. He wanted to be there for her through the rest of her pregnancy journey. He knew she'd have leena and her family but he was the father and knew where his place stood. The tour would last almost all winter and Anzelika was restricted from traveling so she couldn't come along and of course Tom couldn't stay.

"It'll be four months Tom it'll be ok" georg said attempting to confort Tom as he rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Four months Georg, she could have the baby before I get back, she could miscarry again she could get hurt or she could go into a episode and hurt herself"

Bill placed his hand on his brothers shoulder as his hands pulled his eyes down as his face drooped and he made a groaning sound.

"Tom I know your worried but know Ky is there and he was there for her before any of us were in her life. As for the babies, she has been being careful and doing exactly as the doctor ordered. Leena will also be here to help her and we all know Leena has had more than enough experience with this kind of thing. Besides, I don't think babies are born a month early. She will have the babies on time and we will be here for it"

Tom turned to his brother, giving him a look as if he was the dumbest person on the planet.

"Bill you ever hear of something called premature?"

"Well yes but-"

"Bill the babies could be premature and I won't be here for it or her and the babies"

Bill closed his eyes and let out a sigh, Tom doing the same.

Tom knew what bill had told him was right but he still worried. Although his brother said something moronic he still was thankful his brother was there for him. He turned to bill giving him a weak smile and pulling him into a small hug.

He then asked the band who would be the stage manager for the tour, hoping Dmitro and Ky would be able to stay and be their for comfort and support for Anzelika. He wanted anything but to deal with there old stage manager Fredrick, but he'd rather deal with him then his fiancé be alone. He was somehwat excited for the tour, but was now dreading telling Anzelika, fearing how she'd take the news.


Tom entered Anzelikas room, the smell of vanilla incense filling his nostrils. He smiled, knowing Anzelika was thankful the babies didn't avert from one of her favorite smells. Her lamp was on and she was snuggled under her covers, her fuzzy blanket on revealing her eyes and above. The light casted onto her face faintly, her perfect features carved into the shadows lingering off the light. Her stomach was lightly covered, her popping belly poking through the blanket. She had made her self comfortable, nestling pillows under her stomach and between her legs. She snored softly as Tom slowly tiptoed near her. It had been awhile since Anzelika had had a nightmare, but the discomfort of her growing belly made it difficult to sleep comfortably. She stirred as Tom creaked next to her bed, now laying on her back. Her hair hung lose around her face being tied up into a messy bun. Tom smiled softly at the sight before carefully snuggling in next to her. She felt a weight shift into the bed, and scooted up towards him. She continued to lay on her back, now against Tom's chest. He found her hand and linked their fingers together, then placing their hands on her stomach. He stroked her knuckles with his thumb as the tips of his fingers pressed lightly into her soft skin.

He heard as she adjusted herself agasint hun, making a low "mmmm" sound.

"Hi beautiful" he whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Hi beautiful to you too Tommy" she said tiredly seeing how she was half asleep. Tom chuckled and shifted closer to her.

She had fallen back asleep, Tom soon doing so after.

When they awoke, Tom waited a few minutes for her to adjust and fully awake before breaking the news to her.

He felt as she tensed up, causing him to do the same. She had begun to play with his hands in front of her as he explained to her the tour plans. She softly nodded from time to time, listening as he told her plan for plan. He did his best to fill her in as much as he could, knowing that significant detail helped calm her anxiety. He also promised her her would call her and the babies every night. She giggled and placed his hands on her belly. Tom relaxed hearing her giggle. He sensed the fear behind it but knew she was reassured. She shifted upwards, now her back facing fully against Tom's chest. His lips ducked down and planted a kiss on her exposed neck. She let out a satisfied sigh and leaned her head back against his shoulder. Her head tilted back, now looking up at him. He smiled softly before leaning down to kiss her. She smiled into the kiss one of her hands leaving her to find his face and caress it.

They moved thier lips for a few more seconds before pulling apart. They both noticed that every time they kissed, emotion was never lost. It was a continues explosion of fireworks, a hint of lust, passion, and pure love always present every time there lips touched, even if it was for a second. Tom knew he'd miss Anzelikas lips, her being. He hadn't been away from her in so long and the dread in his stomach grew knowing he'd have to part from her again. He had before when the band was last on tour and the haunting flashback of when she broke up with him, but now it wrenched his gut once again. It was even harder seeing how she was pregant but he knew she'd make it through, although he still wanted to be there every step of the way.

Anzelika wanted to savor the feel of Tom's lips, his aura, in knowing she wouldn't be seeing him for 4 months. She had been away from him before, but now more than ever it was making her body pull in all sorts of directions. She knew that if they were able to go through what they had in the last year and a half, they'd be able to do so now.

Tom and the band would be leaving in 3 days, and everyone wanted to cherish and spend as much time as they could together before they left for the tour. The band, the Anotonov's and now Leena had spent so much time together they molded into their own family which made it all the more harder for the band to part with everyone.

But once again if they knew they could get through everything else, they'd get through this even if it was as major as it seemed.


The dreadful day had finally arrived.

The ride to the airport was a overwhelming surge of emotions. Everyone was doing there best to smile through their tears. Good news was lightened as the day after Tom told Anzelika the band would be leaving for tour, it would be there last for awhile. Anzelika felt a sense of joy but sadness for Tom, knowing he's always enjoyed the stage.

They arrived at the airport and everyone was a absolute mess of tears, even dmitro. The band as well as his family had rarely ever seen him cry or at all for that matter but he was parting from his sons, he of course couldn't help but cry. Bill was practically latched onto Leena, crying into her shoulder. Tom mimicked his brother, not letting go of Anzelika. They all groaned once the boys flight was called. Tom pull Anzelika into a very passionate kiss, seeing how this would sadly be their last one for awhile. He knelt down to Anzelikas stomach, kissing her belly and saying goodbye to the babies. He gave his second family tight hugs as Anzelika gave the rest of the band goodbyes. Tom hugged her once last time before he picked up his bag and followed the rest of the boys who already headed towards thier gate.

Anzelkia stood there, Leena's arm around her as they all watched the boys board their plane. Anzelika burst into a another wave of tears and collapsed into Leena's arms. It was only four months but it felt like years away.

I'm like so sad that I'll be wrapping this story up soon. I mean I've got more drama up my sleeve so it might not have to end so soon. I've grown so attached to it and stuff and like it literally makes me want to cry. I'm trying to figure out how to continue on to the next few chapters.

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