Chapter 20-Devastation

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Anzelika was now one month into her pregnancy journey. She was thankful she had her family, the boys and Leena by her side. Pregnancy was her least favorite and favorite thing, and the pregnancy symptoms were becoming relentless.

They were on their way to Mabel's funeral and Anzelika, playing along side her bipolar, was a playground of emotions. She was sad of course, a person had died, let alone a person who had meant a lot to her brother. She sat in the backseat with Ky and Tom, while Bill drove with Leena in the passenger seat. Leena didn't know Mabel very well, only meeting her the night she committed her horrible act of sin. She didn't like her, Mabel getting on her nerves which she made vocal, but she still wanted to pay respect.

Anzelika felt the tug of war between resentment and mourning pull back and forth in her body. Her brother and Tom of course noticed this, so Tom laid his head on her shoulder, linking his hand with hers. Ky held her hand as well, noticing as she began to shake her leg and her breathing became shallow and short.

Bill and Leena had engaged in their own conversation, something about an upcoming photo shoot.

Anzelika paid no attention and zoned out completely. She felt a churn in her stomach but she couldn't tell if it was the growing babies or the fact she was honestly dreading the funeral. She hated funerals and it wasn't helping she was going to one of someone who practically tore her life apart. Let alone she would be mourning over the death of one while another still hung over her, one that was apart of her.

She was snapped out of thoughts when Ky gently shook her shoulder, letting her know they arrived at the funeral.

She adjusted her dress and grabbed onto Tom's hand as he helped her out of the car. It had been awhile since she wore a dress or makeup for that matter, seeing how sweats and a lazy tee would be put together unlike the events that tore her apart. The material brushed into her skin, the crisp air blowing through the small fragments of mended fabric, making her shiver lightly. The trees resembled Mabel's hair, mixing with shades of copper and gold. A small gathering of people surrounded near a tree and were surrounding a casket made from a colored wood that almost mirrored Mabel's hair. A woman Ky recognized as Mabel's mother, was in the midst of a crying spell. Her tears were a mix of anger and sadness, her makeup running down her face. Her red hair accented with white highlights, resembling a autumn tree covered in a thin layer of snow.

She stood near a man with chestnut and silver hair who had his arm around her as he consoled her. He was Mabel's stepdad and beside him was Mabel's brother, also a work colleague of Ky's.

As they neared the three, Anzelika got a uneasy feeling in her stomach and felt herself wobble. She took a deep breath and turned besides Ky who was pulled into a desperate embrace by Mabel's mother. Ky was crying himself, the tears falling down his face with the only actual emotion showing being shown by his lip quivering. His breath was shaky but he still kept his composure. There wasn't as much people as Anzelika thought there would, seeing how Mabel's old life left behind people who she considered her a friend and vice versa, while her new life, friendships were scattered and hardly present.

The feeling in the air and aesthetic of the trees couldn't be described as a feeling, as a claim to reality. It was simply just a eerie, sorrowful and chilled. They hung silent as the funeral officiant demanded a moment of silence. A gentle breeze blew quietly, tossing Anzelikas hair around. She had finally cut her hair the week before, it now barley below her chest. She felt the wind play with her hair and almost go through her body. She clenched her jaw as she felt
her mind wonder and zone out for the rest of the funeral. She didn't feel like she was in her body, like she was watching the funeral from above.

She somewhat snapped back into the current moment when Ky was invited to say a few words. His words were scrambled and pitched, his hands clenching in front of him. Anzelika felt a tug on her side, her eyes trailing down slowly. She watched as Tom linked his pinky with hers before connecting the rest of thier fingers together. Tears stung in his eyes as his jaw clenched. The stubble on his face was accented lightly from the sun that barley dimmed its way through the clouds. Anzelika turned back to her brother who stood next to the casket, feeling as Tom's hand gripped onto hers harder.

Mabel had torn away a peice of Tom doing what she did. He felt a wave of resentful revengance cross over his body, also feeling guilt and even mental for feeling relived over someone's death. But it was understandable, seeing how a average response to things like this or even anything else, wishing death on someone who did you wrong was a norm. But to be standing in the reality of it washed him over with guilt, giving him a horrifying sense that he could've had something to do with it.

Tom stood with his eyes closed as Ky finshed his shaky speech and a few others said some things as well. As an older woman who Tom could only assume was Mabel's grandma, began to talk, Tom tightened the grip on Anzelikas hand and pulled her away from the crowd. Unfortunately most of the people at the funeral knew what Mabel did to Tom. Many of them admired him for attending the funeral, including Anzelika.

Flashbacks of what happened that night raced through his mind. He wanted to forget, he wanted to escape. His body cringed as he felt the memory of her evil touch on his body.

He led Anzelika to the car, opened the backseat and helped her in. They both piled in, Anzelika smoothing the skirt of her dress as she made herself comfortable. She turned to Tom, his breath and body shaking. She went to go grab his hand, when he suddenly turned and smashed his lips agasint hers. It was cold and desperate with a hollow lust hiding behind it all.

"I need you Anzelika...I fucking need you.."

He whimpered in between kissing her, causing her to deepen the kiss. His body shifted towards her more, leaning the both of them down. There wasn't anything sexual about the kiss. It was kiss that held ache, crave and need, but it was more in a loving way than anything. It was a comfort, a needed escape. His kiss was rough but his touch was gentle.

Although it would see a bit off they were kissing at a funeral in the backseat of a car, but the moment was a crack of light in the ugly feeling they both felt standing besides everyone.

Tom's brows and face furrowed in a submissive manner as his hands gripped onto Anzelikas waist. He was gentle as he shifted on top of her, not wanting to hurt his growing children. He grinded his hips into hers, wanting to close the invisible space between the two. He felt as she seductively teased her tongue along his bottom lip, the tip of her tongue playing with his lip piercing which earned a low groan from him. It had been awhile since they shared a such intense passionate embrace and both of them found themselves wanting to continue the intensifying moment. Obviously not in the backseat of a car while a graveyard and a present funeral was taking place. Although the sinister behind it made Tom smirk against Anzelikas lips.

He let out another groan as her hands held his face, her fingers weaving into his braids and pulling slightly. The stubble on his face tickled her soft skin, making her body shudder and fill with a sudden ecstasy. Tom finally pulled away, hovering over Anzelika with his lips parted and swollen. Anzelikas chest heaved agasint his, the feeling of her breasts hitting his upper chest making him shiver. He opened his eyes and looked deeply into hers. She looked up to him, her hands still caressing his face. A look a comfort and pure love floated in her eyes, as a need of comfort and love painted across Tom's eyes. He let out a sigh as he placed his head on her chest, her arms wrapping around him. Their breathing slowed as they both closed there eyes and laid in silence. Tom felt tears burn in his eyes but he did his best not to let them fall.

Even though a pitiful and haunting event lingered over the crisp autumn day, a warm and sentimental moment took place as well.

This chapter was half assed so ignore the blah-ness of it. I've lowkey been struggling bc life's a bitch but I'm still doing my best to update for you guys.


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