Chapter 1- Home again

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Anzelkia sat on the edge of her bed, reading over old texts between her and Tom. He would be returning from America in a few hours but it still felt like she was waiting forever.

She had switched to a new med, taking it alongside her other, so for her safety, she was ordered to stay home, which bummed her out, due to the fact she wanted to join the band and her father on tour. She stayed home, Ky and her mother keeping her company.

She smiled as she looked at photos Tom had sent her, as well as a few she received from the rest of the band, of the places they visited as well as funny pictures of themselves and each other. Her favorite was Georg being smacked in the face with a cream pie. Tom's eyes were squinted into a very big smile, Bill doing the same. Gustav had gotten some of the pie on his face, so his eyes were closed.

Another favorite of hers was a selfie Tom had sent her, him cuddling the stuffed bulldog she had gotten him the previous Christmas. He had named it Axel and even got him a collar. She smiled as she closed her phone and flopped upwards onto her bed.

She felt as her eyes got heavy, so she climbed under her covers. It wasn't too long before she fell asleep.


Hours later. Anzelika awoke to be met with the dark, night light barley peeking through her windows. She saw a few bags thrown near the door, and before she could even question who's they were, her question was answered as she felt a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. She carefully reached her hand around her, and felt around, smiling when she felt the familiar black braids. She shifted her body towards Tom, now moving in a position to where she could hold him. She wrapped a arm around his lower back,The other resting on his shoulder. Tom stirred gently in his sleep, snuggling his face closer to her, gripping onto her tighter, his mouth slightly agape.

Anzelika quietly giggled to herself, placing a kiss on Tom's forehead, removing his bandanna carefully. She gently tossed it on her night stand before returning her arm around Tom.

She fell asleep soon after, her cheek resting on the top of Tom's head.


Anzelika awoke to a slight pressure on her navel. She fluttered her eyes open, and was met with Tom's face, admiring the absolute hell out of her. His arms were still wrapped around her lower back and a childish grin was spread across his face, his lip ring shining from the glimmer of sunlight peaking through the window.

"Good morning Tom" she said smiling and letting out a small yawn.

"Good morning gorgeous" he replied, the grin on his face still appearing.

Anzelika laughed and placed a hand on the back of Tom's neck, running her fingers up and down his braids.

They were interrupted by a very ecstatic Bill bursting through the door


Tom and Anzelika both laughed. Bill wasn't usually up during early hours, and was usually grumpy if you woke him up early but there were rare occasions he was a burst of energy when he was awoken before 9am.

"I made breakfast dummies so up and awake and get your asses downstairs" Bill said before blowing a kiss and skipping back down the stairs.

Tom groaned and stood up. He reached his hands out to help Anzelika out of bed, her groaning and pulling back making it harder for Tom to pull her out of bed. He finally got her on her feet before tapping her ass, ordering her to jump. She did a little hop, wrapping her legs around him as he braced her by her upper thighs as she snuggled into his neck, wrapping her arms around him. He carefully made his way down the stairs, meeting everyone in the kitchen. Georg had stayed with his parents, Gustav doing the same, so they weren't there. Bill, Ky and his girlfriend Mabel all sat at the counter, munching on breakfast.

Tom set Anzelika on a stool before adjusting his pants and sitting down next to her. She groaned and placed her head on the counter, making a loud thump noise as she did.

Tom placed a hand on her back, gently rubbing back and forth.

"It looks like Bill woke up in Anzelikas body today" Ky laughed as he threw a strawberry into his mouth.

"Shut up" she groaned, looking up at Ky, giving him a glare before setting her head back down. This time she laid her head to the side, looking at Tom, who was now talking to Mabel.

Mabel was from Scotland. She had long red hair, a few red and blond dreads hanging from her hair with white and gray string tied around them. Her eyes were a dark green and her face was sprinkled with freckles. She was a bit shorter than everyone, barely reaching Anzelikas shoulder. She had a small frame but reasonable portions around her body. She also had tattoos, one on her arm and the other at the top of her chest. One of them was a Gaelic band on the bottom of her bicep. The other was a vine with small bloomed flowers. She wore several rings on her fingers, and a few woven bracelets. Today she was wearing a normal black tank top with a pair of jeans. She had met Ky at a convention held at his new job. She looked different from everyone else, which is what drew him to her. Anzelika had traded a few words and such with her and was somewhat fond of her but she just didn't entirely get a good vibe from her. She brushed it off, happy that her brother was happy with Mabel.

Mabel was the opposite of Tom's type, his type obviously being Anzelika. She didn't feel jealous at all between the two, but still felt like she had to keep an eye out for Mabel. Mabel knew German, having lived there for the last 3 years. Thankfully, Anzelika, Bill and Ky could all talk in Ukrainian, keeping certain things between themselves. Bill didn't like Mabel and that was obvious, but he still kept things friendly.

Tom was talking to Mabel about something to do with guitars, but Anzelika was still too tired to even pay any attention. Bill hummed as he flipped a pancake, it landing perfectly back in the pan. He grabbed a plate, setting a few pancakes on it, then handing it to Tom before he dished out a few more, placing them in front of Anzelika. She lifted her head, rubbing her eyes before reaching for a fork. She lazily poured syrup on her pancakes before cutting into them. She took a tired bite, chewing slowly.

"Dammit I want to go back to bed" she said, cutting another bite from her pancakes. Bill handed her the bowl of fruit, her popping a few pieces into her mouth before grabbing a couple more, setting them on her plate.

Mabel arched an eyebrow, Ky translating for her.

Anzelika slumped onto her hand, taking her last bites of her pancakes. Her new meds made her incredibly tired, and she couldn't stand to stay awake. She mumbled to everyone she'd be going back to bed, Tom giving her a kiss on the cheek. He told her he would be up soon, her nodding her head and turning. She trailed up the stairs, holding into the railing. She finally made it to her bed, immediately climbing under the covers.

She fell asleep right away.

Hi luvs 💗 this is the second book, the sequel to "sent from hell" this chapter is just a small introduction but the next few chapters will be taking off and it will get chaotic fast

There will be smut in the next chapter lmao, I'm starting it off right away 🙄😏

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