Chapter 6- The power of love

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Anzelika ended up falling asleep next to Tom, as he laid awake, his eyes closed and his body finally relaxed. His breathing was returning to normal, and his body hurt less to move. He couldn't tell if it was the IV or Anzelika, but he was feeling a little less than horrible.

Empty tears still fell down his cheeks. He had grown completely numb from shock.

Out in the waiting room, Gustav and Georg had fallen asleep, Bill slumped over on Georg's shoulder half awake. Ivanna sat with the boys while Ky decided to visit Mabel.

She was hooked up to a ventilator, and had a lot quite a few needles in her arm. The side of her head was swollen, a large purple bruise hanging over her eye. She had a very large bandage wrapped around her skull, parts of her hair shaved off. Ky let out a quiet sob. She was almost unrecognizable. She looked so pale and fragile.

Ky pondered between the decision of staying or letting her suffer alone. Anzelika had barely spoken a word to him after they had left the club. Normally when she was upset, he was the only person she would talk to.

He became angry thinking that Anzelkia would assume this was his fault. It wasn't his fault. He couldn't have done anything wrong, how in the world would it be?

He just stood there, staring at Mabel. He couldn't bring himself to leave, or even walk out do the room. He stood there in angry silence, enraged thoughts clouding his head.

It was now 6am and the police arrived. They sat out in the waiting room with the others, asking questions. Anzelika had been called away from Tom's room to describe what happened and answer some questions herself. A wave of anxiety came over her. She sat next to Bill, her leg shaking. The first cop was a woman, who had a kind face and soft eyes. Her name was officer Meyer. The other cop was a man with fluffy hair and a more serious face , a look that was not comforting to Anzelika. He was officer Bren.

As they began asking her questions, flashbacks of the night came rushing back to her head, playing in her mind like she was sitting in front of a tv screen. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly, her breathing becoming short and heavy.


Meyer raised an eyebrow, Ivanna immediately translating and explaining to the woman how Anzelkia gets when under pressure. Meyer nodded and placed a gentle hand on Anzelikas knee.

"Hun, we are here to make sure you and your fiancé are safe"

The woman gave Anzelika a reassuring smile, before she finally took a deep breath , collecting herself.

"Tom and I were at the bar when Mabel and my brother came over. Mabel moved Tom's drink in a odd way I'd say, she placed her hand like this, like she was holding something"

She mimicked the same gesture Mabel had done, her hand and voice trembling.

"Then after a few minutes, Tom and I were in the dance floor, and all of a sudden he became really out of it, he was all wobbly and his eyes were crazed.. I don't know..almost glazed, frosted over. I knew it wasn't the alcohol, he's a heavy weight, it takes a lot for him to get drunk"

Bill nodded in agreement.

Anzelika motioned every word she said, each more exaggerated than the next.

Officer Meyer nodded, while Bren took notes.

"Mabel was already walking my brother to the bathroom, he spilled tequila on his shirt apparently"

Her eyes began to dart back and forth, the uneasy feeling she had about Mabel walking Tom to the bathroom now heavy in her stomach.

"I-I don't remember what happened after that but I do know at one point, I just, something didn't feel right. Something was wrong, I-I just wish I didn't know or just wish it wasn't this"

Her words fell out of her mouth, slurring off her tongue as her chest began to heave.

"I saw her, I saw her, what she was doing to him, h-he was just laying there...I-I.."

She of course had to leave out the part where she smashed a bottle over Mabel's head.

"I-It just, he was passed out, he wasn't moving. It was like he was dead"

She stuttered her words, tears falling down her face once again as her head began to pound.

She felt her body tense up with rage, her eyes darkening.

Her meds were running low in her system, having missed them now for almost 2 days. Her old side was coming back, and she didn't care.

But her rage was soon washed over with another emotion. One that she had been feeling a lot that night. Sadness. Her face completely fell, her eyes watering once again.

"I just don't want people to think this is my fault...that this happened to him.."

She wrapped her arms around herself before collapsing onto her knees, a loud sob echoing in the quiet halls.

Tom's eyes jerked open when he heard the sound of a cry he knew from anywhere.


He didn't know what came over him. Strength flushed through this body, slowly moving his legs and lifting himself over the edge of the hostipal bed. He braced himself with the IV and stood up, his legs feeling like crumbling stone. He winced with each step, heading for the door. His entire body felt like it had burning needles piercing through his skin. His hand stung as he grabbed the knob, throwing the door open with whatever strength he had.

He emerged in the hall, seeing from a distance, Anzelika on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. She was knelt over, her nails now digging into her arms, making them bleed. Officer Meyer was quite confused, until Ivanna sorrowfully told her that her poor daughter dealt with bipolar disorder, and the shock following the trauma of tonight was definitely not helping.

Officer Meyer's face lightened with sympathy. She looked back at Anzelkia,who's head hung heavy, tears falling to the floor.

Before Meyer could place her hands gently on Anzelikas shoulder, everyone heard a deep but quiet voice behind them

" my...angel crying...."

Heaven sent (Tom Kaulitz story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon