Chapter 8-All we have

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Anzelika awoke, her head pounding. It felt like someone was taking a hammer to her temples. She went to go sit up, attempting to find a bottle of alcohol and continue her purge, but she felt a weight on her back and shoulder. She turned to see Tom, his eyes filled with tears.

Tom had awoken quite awhile ago, due to a nightmare and could not stop crying. He played with Anzelikas hair, whispering how much he loved her, apologizing for things she already forgave him for, like the things he did when the first met. Also apologizing for everything that had happened, while she slept.

Her head hurt the more her eyes adjusted.

She looked at Tom and tried giving him a weak smile but she instead burst into tears, immediately moving more towards his chest, resting her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arm around his torso, placing her hand on his heart.

He grabbed her hand, linking their fingers together before kissing her knuckles. He turned, kissing her forehead before resting his head on hers. He returned her hand over his heart, making her feel his heart beat.

"Do you feel that?"

She gently nodded

"No girl has ever made my heart beat like this"

He then opened her hand, facing her palm flat against his heart, setting his hand over hers.

"No girl makes me feel alive as you Anzelika" his voice broke.

Anzelika's lip trembled, trails of tears falling from her face onto Tom's shirt.

"And your the reason I'm alive. Why my heart still beats. Why my heart is healing"

Tears formed in his eyes once again.

"After being broken for so long.."

Both of them had cried a very excessive amount the last few days. There eyes were quite tired and that was understandable.

She lifted her head, leaning towards his lips. He turned his head and met his lips with hers. He removed his hand from hers and placed it on her cheek, gently stroking his thumb along her upper jaw. The kiss was gentle, but spoke the three words Anzelika couldn't bring herself to say in that moment

I love you


A week and a half had passed. Anzelikas mood somewhat improved. She did stop the excessive drinking and ate somewhat. Tom and Bill spent the week at the Anotonov's house. Georg and Gustav of course visited from time to time, spending a few nights. It was their second, if not practically thier home at that point.

Tom had been doing a lot better. He didn't need his crutch anymore and was almost back to normal. He still got flashbacks and had nightmares, but Anzelika was there for him every time.

Ky on the other hand, he went downhill. He would leave for hours on end, coming back either smelling of alcohol, cigarettes and weed, a few times all three lingering in his aroma. He went for long drives, coming back with his eyes red and his face puffy. He was quiet and spoke to no one, only nodding or shaking his head.

He of course blamed himself for what had happened. None of this would've happened if he never went to that convention and met Mabel. None of this would've happened if he went out with her. None of this would've happened if he was sober and could save Tom. He knew Anzelika blamed herself, but he couldn't help but think she secretly blamed him as well. But she was far from blaming him. She was angry with Mabel. She was upset for Ky. Her older brother was heartbroken, of course it hurt her.

One night, he came back worse then ever. He stumbled into the living room while everyone was playing a board game, Gustav winning and Bill of course not having it.

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