Chapter 17- Light in the dark

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The doctor and the nurses left Tom to be alone with Anzelika. She was cleaned up and now in a pair hospital pants, her pair obviously now ruined. She still wore her shirt, although it was slightly damp from the cold sweat she had broken out in during the whole ordeal. As she slept soundly, Tom laid next to her, holding her in his arms. One arm was around her shoulder, the other on her stomach. He rubbed his hand back and forth, as his other hand played with her hair. A mixture of sad and happy tears fell down his face as he stared at her stomach.

He looked up to the ceiling and thanked god that something good came out of this mess, thanked god for giving them peace in the chaos of life.

He smiled weakly as he began talking to the growing babies in Anzelikas stomach.

"I'm gonna love you both so much. Well I already do haha you guys have no idea. Your mommy and I can't wait to see you. After everything we have been through, I'm happy you guys are here now. You know your daddy is a twin himself. Your gonna love your uncle Bill. He still acts like a child, so does your uncle Georg and Gustav so I think you guys will get along"

He let out another teary laugh as another wave of tears came up in his throat.

"And your uncle Ky, he's a bit more serious than your other uncles but I know you'll love him too. He's mommy's brother and he loves her very much. He loves her in a way I hope you both love each other. In a way your uncle bill and I love each other"

Love was the word he said the most in those sentences. Love was what brought everyone together in this hell of a mess, what held them together even when they were falling apart. Love was what shone a light in the dark.

A painful thought lingered in Tom's mind, remembering when he had helped Anzelika shower, and was worshiping her and her beautiful being. He remembered when he had kissed her stomach, envisioning that her stomach was budding with his future child. He faltered on the one side of his head saying he inflicted the "kiss of death" to the now gone baby. But he couldn't help but think he did just the opposite of that, with the other two surviving. He felt a mix of happiness and sorrow mixed in with the cloud of tears forming in his eyes.

He leaned his head against Anzelikas as she snored softly. He continued talking to the babies, talking about their grandparents, how him and Anzelika came to be and about the band. He fell asleep with his hand on her stomach and his head still against hers.


Bill and Ky came in after awhile, being met with the sight of Tom and Anzelika alseep. They smiled at each other as they made themselves comfortable in the chairs. Tom stirred and opned his eyes.

"Hey.." Bill quietly said as he crossed his legs.

"Hey.." Tom mumbled in a raspy voice as he stretched out his arms, returning them to Anzelikas stomach and around her shoulder.

"How's Anzelika?" questioned Ky with a very worried look on his face.

Tom sat up gently hoping to not wake Anzelika as he cleared his throat and looked between the soon to be uncles, pondering how to break the news to them.

"Well, how do you guys feel about being uncles?"

Both of the boys eyes widened with there jaws dropping in sync.

"W-w-what?! She's pregnant? Why, how, I-?"

Ky's word were frantic and mixed with excitement, relief and a small amount of concern. Bill stayed silent, his face still in shock.

Tom explained to them how there were three eggs and that one of them broke and sadly didn't make it, which was the bleeding and blinding pain Anzelika went through. He watched as the boys faces fell, both obviously crushed. He hoped telling them that the other 2 survived would brighten them up a bit. He was glad it did, watching them both out sigh in relief and smile gratefully.

"Will the babies be ok though?"

Tom looked back to Anzelika as she still slept soundly. He looked back to the boys, tears still lingering in his eyes.

"Yes the doctor said if we do the right stuff, like-...the pregnancy stuff... precaution..I forgot" he waved his hand around near Anzelikas shoulder as he left out a confused laugh, the tears cracking in his throat.

Bill shook his head and hiccuped out a laugh.

"Your so gonna be a great father Tom"

"I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not Bill but I'll take that as a compliment"

They all chuckled, it slowly dying down as Tom felt Anzelika shift below him. She hadn't even opened her eyes but immediately started to cry.

Her hands felt around her stomach, feeling Tom's hand still placed above her belly button. Her cries becoming shallow sobs. She wanted to open her eyes, but she knew if she did, she wouldn't be able to convince herself anymore that this was all just a bad dream and she would wake up soon.

She opened her eyes anyways, the light stringing into them.

She looked up at the ceiling, not bothering to look around her. She knew where she was and as far as she knew, Tom was next to her.

"Please tell me im alive, that I'm going to live at least"

Tom grabbed her hand and linked his fingers with hers. He kissed the side of her head.

"Yes you are goi-" Tom took a deep breath before speaking once again

"You all are going to live"

She shot up, almost bumping Tom's chin, she turned to him with her eyebrows raised and her eyes wide

"Who the fuck is 'you all?'?!" She shrugged her shoulder as her hands flew up. She was still crying but she was hysterical in a sense, so Tom couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head and leaned forward and cupped her chin.

"You..." his eyes met hers but looked down to her stomach

"And our babies"

Anzelika moved backwards slightly, her eyebrows furrowing

"Our what?!"

Tom went on to explain to her what had happened. He watched as her face fell, covering her mouth as she let out a shuddering gasp when he broke the news to her about the miscarriage. She began to cry once again as he explained to her how and why it happened. He leaned forward, one leg now hanging off the hospital bed as he held her. Her sobs became louder as he brushed his hand through her hair. Ky and bill came over to the bed and sat in the edge. Ky placed a hand on Anzelikas shoulder, his thumb rubbing back and forth across her shoulder blade. Bill sat with his side meeting her back and rested his head on her other shoulder and against his brothers arm.

They all sat like this for a good ten minutes, shallow sobs and sniffles filling the ambient room.

"What do we do now?" Anzelika questioned, her words shaky and muffled as she clung to Tom's chest. Her fingers laced between the fabric of his shirt, rubbing it for comfort.

"Well...the doctor said something about preparations and precautions for pregnancy, whatever the hell that means" Tom said chuckling and shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh my god Tom"

He felt Anzelika let out a laugh, the other two boys as well.

"Hey you remembered Tom maybe I was wrong after all"

"Of course you were Bill I'm going to be an amazing father" Tom laughed as Bill rolled his eyes.

He pulled away from Anzelika, his hands finding the sides of her face. She looked at him with sad puppy dog eyes and fidgeted with her hands in her lap.

"And you.." Tom whispered kissing Anzelika softly

"....Are going to be a wonderful mother"

I love how im eating McDonald's and crying writing this. Why do I do this to myself 😶

I feel his black dread era isn't paid attention to enough so I'm definitely putting that in this story.

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