Chapter 3-Walk of a goddess

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Anzelika groaned as she hung up the phone. Her mother had told one of the biggest fashion critics, Laurence Schmitz, that Anzelika would be walking the runway for her next show.

Anzelika never liked the fashion world, well the societal standards held for models. She enjoyed watching fashion and admiring each designers work. When she was younger, she would sit in her mothers studio and watch her design varieties of clothes, jackets, dresses, suits, and so much more.

Her mother had told her the dress she would be wearing was inspired her blue and black mesh dress, the same one she wore when the band first visited the Anotonov house.

Anzelika couldn't help but feel a bit excited to walk the runway. She did dream of doing it someday but the dream faded less and less as she gotten older. She was the model material, unique features and a hourglass figure. Her mother told her to keep her being in the fashion show a secret, so she could surprise the boys. She agreed and hung up the phone, feeling a mix of emotions. She was excited but dreading it, but also nervous.

Something she was embarrassed to admit was the fact she sometimes practiced a runway walk, a few times Ky catching her.

The show was in 3 days, so she had at least a reasonable amount of time to prepare herself.


The night of the show had arrived. Anzelika was feeling a back and forth of nervousness and excitement, one sometimes being more severe than the other. She took a deep breath, and rested her hands on her legs, as the makeup artist added some final touches to her face. Her hair was left down, light curls accenting her hair. Her makeup was done with a faint Smokey eye. She had to wear plastic plugs in her piercings and had to cover her sternum tattoo.

As far as the boys knew, she was out running so called errands. The band, Ky and Mabel sat in the second row, behind fashion critics and a few models. A model with blond almost white hair kept flirting with Bill. Tom had to shush them as the audience lights dimmed, the runways lights now illuminating the room. Soft but upbeat orchestra music began playing. A few models walking out, Tom and Bills heart dropping for a smidge when they saw a model that looked like Lucas, but thankfully it was not, seeing how he was still in jail.

Bill shot Tom a glance before turning to the stage, his jaw immediately dropping. Confused, Tom turned back to the runway, his jaw immediately dropping as well.

A beautiful goddess emerged from the entrance of the runway, confidently walking her way to the edge. Her hair and chest moved gracefully to the beat as her hips swayed in a slight sassy manner. She had a nonchalant but sexy look on her face.

"Is that..?" Bill questioned, his eyes glued to the runway

"Anzelkia..." Tom gasped out.

Him more out of the rest of the group noticed that Anzelikas dress shared a resemblance to her short blue and black mesh dress she had back home.

She reached the end of the runway, Tom trailing his eyes up and down her body, readjusting himself in his seat, playing with his lip ring.

She placed her hands on her hips before turning and walking back, quickly disappearing behind the wall. Tom didn't really pay attention to the rest of the models, his mind still flashing images of Anzelika.

The show ended, everyone coming out and bowing, several rounds of a applause for the models and designers.

Anzelkia found her way to the boys and her brother and Mabel, who's jaws were all slightly dropped, eyes widened.

She did a small twirl before stepping in front of Tom.

"So...what did you guys think"

"Holy shit" Bill, Georg and Tom said in sync, making everyone laugh.

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