Chapter 59- Happy Ending

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A/n: Okay, I'm going to write an alternative ending bc that shi last chapter was sad asf!

More firebenders emerged, ready to attack. Sokka struggled to maintain his hold on Toph.

"I don't think that boomerang's coming back, Toph. It looks like this is the end," Sokka said.

I turned to look at Toph as tears streamed down her cheeks.

I whimpered softly, "Sokka, let me go."

"Venus, are you crazy?" Sokka shouted. "What do you mean, let you go?"

"Sokka, I know it sounds crazy, but your leg is hurt, and you're holding onto both Toph and me. We're surrounded. Just let me go."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I faced the reality of falling from the air.

Sokka cried and tried to calculate any possible solution.

"Sokka, there's no other way," I pleaded. "You have to let me go!"

Toph was confused and asked, "What is she saying, Sokka? What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, Toph," I murmured. "Sokka please just let me go, I'll be okay."

"Venus, you won't be okay; you'll be gone. I can't live without you," Sokka cried.

Hyperventilating, I said, "Sokka, I know, but I'm heavier than Toph, and she's just a child. She has a lot more life to see and experience. She's a good kid, Sokka."

"Venus! Why are you doing this to me?" Sokka screamed. "I physically can't and won't let you go! I love you too much."

"Sokka, if you love me, you'll let me go."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my war fans. I threw them up at Sokka, and they landed on his chest.

"Sokka, please, just release me," I pleaded. "If not, we'll all die."


"Sokka, please."

As my grip weakened, I looked up at Sokka, saying, "I love you so much. Tell the others I love them too." With that, I yanked my grip away from him, and I began to fall to my death.


Blocking out Sokka's voice, tears streamed down my face as I fought to maintain my composure, the sensation of falling in slow motion consuming me.

Suddenly, I hit a solid surface, a groan escaping my lips, "fuck," my face meeting the metal.

Was I dead? The realization struck that I wasn't; the last functioning airship had broken my fall. Oh, thank spirits.

Beside me lay Sokka's sacrificial space sword, a bittersweet sight that I picked up, a smile tugging at my lips.

Navigating my way through the interior of the airship, I found only a handful of Fire Nation soldiers within. Swiftly fighting them and sending them overboard, I seized control of the airship, turning it around to head back to my boyfriend and Toph.

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