Chapter 42- The Puppetmaster

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The next morning, I had woken up to a strange elderly voice. "Wakey Wakey."

I groaned against Sokka's ear. "Sok, w-why do you sound like that?"

"That's not me, babe."

Suddenly, Sokka and I slowly awaken, rubbing our crusty eyes.

"Wakey, wakey!" the innkeeper, Hama was standing brightly over us. "Time to go shopping!" Katara appears by her side, dressed and happily smiling.

Katara and Hama soon left the room, leaving Sokka and I to prepare for the day.

Sokka and I still remained in bed, nestled against one another. I swung my body over Sokka, hovering over him. I laid my forehead on his.

"Hey," Sokka said.

"Hi." I blushed.

"Last night was-"

"Fun?" I tried to finish his sentence.

Sokka chuckled. "New....but fun too."

I lightly smiled against Sokka's face. "M-maybe next time, we can do more...if you'd like?"

Sokka remained silent as he searched my unique green eyes. "I'd like that."

I battered my lashes a few times and smiled. "Okay," I sighed out.

Sokka's arms snaked around my waist, prompting me closer to him. "So...we said I love you to each other, didn't we?"

"We- yeah, we did." I blushed feeling hot.

"You still love me?" Sokka questioned.

What kind of question was that? "Sokka, I'll forever love you."

My response caused Sokka to smile happily. He cupped my cheeks, bringing my face closer to his as he captured my lips onto his, sweetly kissing me.

"I love you, Venus," he murmured in between kisses.

I softly groaned against his lips. "I love you, Sokka."

✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼

We all went food shopping at the market after everyone woke up. I and the other children were left behind after Hama and Katara left after they made their purchase.

Aang, Sokka, Toph and I walk through the marketplace. Aang carries a package slung over his shoulder, Sokka carries a package attached to his sword, Toph carries a large, round basket on her head while I held a casket of goods in my arms.

Sokka overhead two villagers having a conversation by a stand. "You won't have any ash bananas till next week?"

"Well, I have to send the boy to Hing Wa Island to get them, and it's a two-day trip." The shop owner said.

"Oh, right. Tomorrow's the full moon."

"People disappearing in the woods, weird stuff happening during full moons? This just reeks of Spirit World shenanigans." Sokka said.

"I bet if we take a little walk around town, we'll find out what these people did to the environment to make the spirits mad." Aang suggested.

Sokka makes gesture with his hand. "And then you can sew up this little mystery lickety-split, Avatar style!"

Proudly, Aang says. "Helping people...that's what I do."

The group stands in the marketplace as Aang, Sokka Toph and I approach Katara and Hama.

"Why don't you take all those things back to the inn? I just have to run a couple more errands. I'll be back in a little while." Hama said.

Sokka walks up to her. "This is a mysterious little town you have here."

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