Chapter 56- Old People Camp

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As we approached June, I shyly hid behind Sokka. "Oh great, it's Prince Pouty," June remarked as she saw Zuko approaching. "Where's your creepy grandpa?"

"He's my uncle. And he's not here." Zuko replied.

"I see you worked things out with your girlfriend." June said, taking a sip of her drink.

Zuko and Katara both became flustered and embarrassed, looking at each other as they spoke at the same time.

I noticed a tinge of jealousy in Suki's expression as she crossed her arms.

"I'm not his girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Okay, okay. Sheesh." June's cool tone spoke. "I was only teasing. So what do you want?"

I revealed myself behind Sokka so June could see me. "Hey auntie,"

June perked an eyebrow as she sharply turned to me. "Venus?! What's going on, are you okay?"

I smiled at her concern. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just that..." I wondered off-topic, noticing her arm tattoo. "You have a tattoo?"

"Uh...Yeahh," she said. "Do you?"

I moved my top to the side to reveal my flower tattoo on my shoulder to June.

"Cute," she smirked.

"Enough with this chit chat," Zuko interrupted. " I need your help finding the Avatar."

"Hm. Doesn't sound too fun." June sipped her tea.

Zuko angrily; leaned closer, while clenching his fists. "Does the end of the world sound like more fun?"

Soon, we were outside, and Appa and Nyla were growling at each other. Appa licked Nyla, and they lay down. They both stood up as we walked toward them. June held up a piece of meat.

She shook the piece of meat. "Nyla." June threw the meat to Nyla. Nyla caught it in his mouth and started chewing before swallowing it; June walked up to him and started petting him. "Who's my little, hmm, Snuffly-Wuffly?" Nyla stuck his toxins-coated tongue out, June dodged it and forced his mouth closed. "Whoa! Careful there." June turned to us. "Okay. So who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?"

(Bro, I had not idea that Nyla was a he. I searched it up it says he's male)

Katara stood on Appa's back. She pulled out Aang's glider from Appa's saddle. "I have Aang's staff."

June approached and held the staff out in front of Nyla. He sniffed it. Nyla began to walk around in circles, trying to sniff the scent out somewhere else. Nyla returned to June and continued sniffing. He lied back down and covered his nose.

"Well, what does that mean?" Zuko asked.

Petting Nyla, June said, "It means your friend's gone."

"We know he's gone. That's why we're trying to find him." Toph said as if it was obvious.

June stood up. "Nah, I mean he's gone gone." She turned to face everyone else. "He doesn't exist."

"What do you mean Aang doesn't exist?" Sokka exclaimed. "Do you mean he' know, dead?"

"Nope. We could find him if he were dead. Wow, it's a real head-scratcher. See ya." She started climbing on top of Nyla.

Sarcastically, Toph muttered, "Helpful. Real helpful."

I walked closer to Nyla and looked up at June, staring into her intimidating eyes. I poked out my bottom lip and began to let tears fill my eyes. "Please, Aunt June. We really need your help to find Aang."

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