Chapter 35- The Crossroads of Destiny

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We are flying above a river where ostrich horses are drinking water.

"So, what kind of trouble is Katara in?" Sokka asked.

"I don't know." Aang replied. "In my vision, I just knew she needed help."

"It would be nice if your Avatar powers could be just a little more specific from time to time." Sokka looks down and notices a mound of earth passing nearby, heading to the wall. "What is that?"

We fly down and follow the mound. Toph is seen earth surfing. Aang, Sokka and I come down beside her.

"Tophie, do you need a ride?" I called out to her.

Toph becomes startled at the sound of my voice and falls backward off of the mound. Sokka and Aang cringe upon seeing her fall.

I had jumped off Appa to help Toph get up when Appa landed.

Once Toph had climbed onto Appa, she scooted over to Sokka and held his arm to prevent her from falling from Appa, since he still didn't have a saddle. Appa soared back into the sky.

"So how did it go with the guru?" Toph asked, happily. "Did you master the Avatar State?"

Aang looks down and freezes, like he's lost in thought. "Uh..."

I laid my hand on his shoulder, gently. "Aang, are you okay?"

"I'm great! It went great with the guru. I completely mastered the Avatar State." Aang laughs nervously and looks down. "Yeah."

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We arrived in Ba Sing Se, and headed to the Earth King's palace, and dashed through his throne room, where he was sitting peacefully. We stood in front of him wondering where Katara was.

"Katara's fine. You have nothing to worry about." The King reassured.

"But, in my vision," Aang stepped closer to the king. "I felt so sure she was in trouble."

"Well, she met with the Council of Generals to plan the invasion, and since then, she's been off with your friends, the Kyoshi Warriors." The King said.

Sokka smacked my arm from the mention of Kyoshi warriors. "See, she's with Suki. They're probably back at our apartment right now talking about makeup or something."

"Okay. Maybe you're right." Aang shrugged.

"Believe me, if there was any danger at all, Bosco's animal instincts would sense it." Bosco lifts up his head from sleeping to look at the four of us.

On Appa, we all went to our house in the upper ring. After getting off, the four of them run inside to see if Katara was there. Momo approaches us.

"Momo!" Aang exclaimed, happily. Momo climbs up onto his shoulders.

Toph looks around. "There's no one else here."

Aang stiffened. "Katara is in trouble! I knew it!"

"Oh, no." Sokka breathed out.

"Wait! Someone's at the door." Someone knocks on the door a second later. "Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine." Toph walks over to the door and opens it, revealing  Zuko's uncle, the retired general Iroh behind the door. "Glad to see you're okay."

"I need your help."

Sokka and Aang become shocked and angry upon seeing him, and get into a fighting stance. Toph calmly smiles and waves at him. Momo flies away upon seeing him.

As I looked at Iroh and Toph, I raised an eyebrow. "You guys know each other?"

"I met him in the woods once and knocked him down." Iroh smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his head. "Then he gave me some tea and some very good advice." Toph explained.

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