Chapter 30- City of Walls and Secrets

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As a reward for protecting Ba Sing Se from the Fire Nation attack, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and I are allowed into the city. At this moment, we were on the monorail awaiting our arrival to Ba Sing Se.

Sokka, Toph and I sat on one side of the monorail as Aang and Katara sat across from us.

Sokka's head laid against my shoulder as he dozed off. A bit of his saliva leaked out of his mouth as he drooled all over my tattoo.

Sokka and I needed to have a serious talk about our relationship, because what were we? We haven't exactly discussed what has been happening between us. We've admitted our feelings for each other in some way, and we've almost kissed several times, in which were all interrupted. When we get settled in Ba Sing Se, I need to get him alone so we can have an conversation.

Katara looks out from the window and notices the Inner Wall of the Earth Kingdom capital drawing closer. "Look, the Inner Wall!"

After hearing Katara's screams, Sokka awakens quickly. He gives me a confused look before glancing at the mess he made on my shoulder.

Sokka whips out a cloth from his sash as he begins cleaning his saliva off my shoulder. "V, I'm so sorry."

I look away from my shoulder and into Sokka's eyes. "It's okay, I don't mind some of your drool on me."

Sokka half smiled as he continued wiping my shoulder, clean.

"I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece."

Sokka snaps his head towards his sister, slightly skeptical. "Hey, don't jinx it! We can still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!"

Toph is slightly annoyed, yet still jokingly. "You been hitting the cactus juice again?"

I lightly giggled, but Sokka sent a glare my way, causing me to stiffen and stop laughing.

"I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us."

A man, sucking a corn plant in his mouth, takes a seat between Toph and Sokka, startling them.

In order to say something, I turned to look at corn man, but Sokka clasped his hand over my mouth, forbidding me to speak. "V, don't."

Aang and Katara look out the windows.

Sympathetically Katara says, "Don't worry Aang, we'll find Appa."

"It's such a big city." Aang sighs in doubtfulness.

Sokka is somewhat optimistic. "He's a giant bison! Where could someone possibly hide him?"

The monorail enters the Inner wall. Sokka, Katara, Aang and I view the giant city through the windows.

Sokka comes to realization from the city's gigantic size. "Oh."

The four of us notice that Ba Sing Se stretches almost as far as our eyes can see, and it has many roads and buildings. Our train enters the monorail station, stopping there. All of us disembark.

"Ah," Toph sighs, miserably. "Back in the city."

"What's the problem?" Sokka asked, excitedly. "It's amazing!"

With Momo rested on Toph's shoulder sleeping, she speaks. "It's just a bunch of walls and rules. You
wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days."

Aang looks at the bison whistle in his palm, and he blows it. "I'm comin' for ya, buddy." Katara walks over to the downtrodden Aang, and places her hand on his shoulder. More confidently. "He's here; I can feel it."

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