Chapter 44- Nightmares and Daydreams

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Not even before dawn, Sokka and I cleaned up ourselves in the water, we fooled around again for a while but seriously did wash up and headed back to the others and tried to catch some sleep.

After only getting a couple hours of sleep, Everyone was woken up to Aang banging his fists against a tree. Katara looks at Sokka, who just shrugs. She decides to go talk to Aang about this.

I wrapped my arms around Sokka's neck, I wanted to never leave his side. "Good morning,"

"Good morning, beautiful," He said, pressing his lips against mine, making me smile.

"Hey. How long have you been up?" Katara asked Aang.

"A couple hours!" Aang shouted. "I got a lot more skills to refine if I'm gonna fight Ozai." Aang stops panting.

"You know, there is such a thing as over-training." Katara said.

Aang hits the tree one last time, which sends a vibration throughout his body and makes him fall down with all of the leaves off the tree collapsing on him.

Katara just gazes down at him, Sokka holds his map, and Toph faces the other direction, looking out from behind her. I take her body and face her in the right direction.

Aang comes out from under the leaves and walks around Katara in a fighting stance. "You don't get it, do you? My form is bad, I'm sloppy, and I still don't know any firebending. Not even the basics."

Aang's left eye twitches a little bit after saying this. Katara brings Aang's hand down with a forced smile on her face.

Sokka and I lay down as we are looking at the map.

"That's okay, Aang. The eclipse will block off firebending anyway. You don't need to know it." Sokka said, looking at the avatar. "Plus, it's a stupid element."

"Okay, well I still have to work on everything else. I better spend the whole day training." Aang lifted me off the ground, he held me bridal style as he creates an air scoter and rides off with me.


"What?!" Aang exclaimed. "I need your help with my combat skills."

Aang had me training him in all of my skill assets throughout the day and night, refusing to let me leave his sight. I was exhausted, bruised, beaten, and starving.

Aang finally allowed us to return back the camp after the entire day.

Sokka was anxiously awaiting my arrival. "Oh thank spirits," he said as he yanked me away from Aang, he noticed my worn out stage. "What did you do to her?"

"W-we were just training!" Aang defended himself. "I feel quite better actually, I think I might be able to sleep tonight."

Sokka growled as he reached down to the ground, grabbing a bowl, and began feeding me the meal that Katara had prepared for them.

Sokka seated me on his lap. "Thank you," I mumbled.

Sokka huffed as he wiped the stew that had smudged on my face. "The kids got you exhausted today, huh?"

"It's okay," I turned over to Aang who was fidgeting in his sleeping bag. "I understand he's nervous. He could use me for the day, it won't break me."

Sokka lightly smiled, "you have a good heart."

I leaned my head onto his forehead. "Thanks."

After a while, everyone headed to bed. Sokka and I nuzzled against each other.

"Good night, Katara. Good night, Venus. Good night, Sokka. Good night, Toph. Good night, Appa. Good night, Momo. Good night, Appa and Mo-"

"Go to sleep already!" Toph screamed.

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