Chapter 48- Venus Alone

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Once the kids left on Appa, the adults and I were quickly swarmed by Fire Nation soldiers.

"You!" A soldier pointed directly at me. "Princess Azula wants you imprisoned immediately!"

Before I could react, the soldier swiftly kicked my knee, forcing me to kneel on the ground. Within moments, my hands were bound with handcuffs, leaving me feeling helpless.

"Hakoda!" I shouted, my voice filled with desperation as I struggled against the soldiers' hold.

"Hey!" Hakoda scolded one of the soldiers. "I'm the one you want, not her!"

The solider chuckled. "Oh, no. You're going as well, but Princess Azula wants this one first."

I was forcefully ushered into a hot air balloon, cringing at the soldiers' rough treatment.

As I glanced back at Hakoda, my heart ached for him and the rest of the invasion force. They were being tied down and divided into groups, their freedom slipping away. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I fought to keep them from falling.

The hot air balloon lifted off, propelled by the bending of a soldier. We ascended into the sky, leaving the ground behind.

After a couple of hours in the air, I couldn't help but ask, "Where are you taking me?"

"To a private institution for criminals like you!" The soldier snapped.

I winced at his harsh tone. "Why are you yelling? I just asked a question."

Minutes passed, the atmosphere growing increasingly heated. The scorching air filled my lungs, making it difficult to breathe. I coughed, gasping for some relief. "Can I have some water?"

The solider turned to me, angrily. "So you can waterbend? No!"

I stared blankly at the Fire Nation soldier. "I'm a nonbender, but okay."

The air balloon eventually landed near the edge of a Fire Nation camp. As I stepped out, several other prisoners stood nearby, all of us bound and shackled. Azula and her soldiers watched with sadistic glee.

Azula grinned wickedly as I approached. She moved closer, taunting me. So, any last words before I send you to the Boiling Rock?"

Maintaining my composure, I remained silent, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response.

"Giving me the silent treatment? That's no fun." Azula taunted. "Don't you have a message you want me to give someone? Like that boyfriend of yours with the boomerang? What's his name, Socky? Sukka?"


"Whatever. I know!" Azula snarked. "I should tell him that you're desperate for him to come and rescue you! I'm sure he would, if he could. Then I could capture you both and take turns tormenting you. Doesn't that sound fun?"

"I don't need anyone to rescue me." I grimaced.

Azula placed her hand on my cheek, her sharp nails grazing my skin. "Maybe you can find a new boy toy in prison. You're pretty enough. I bet all the male inmates can't wait to get their hands on you."

I swiveled my head to the side, furious.

Azula began looking at her nails. "You'll be completely alone at the Boiling Rock. I captured all of the Kyoshi warriors, so no sisterly bonding in captivity. I want you to experience just how hard Fire Nation prison life can be, fighting your fellow prisoners for miserable scraps just to stay alive. Now you get to watch from a prison cell while the Fire Nation rolls over the other nations. I'm doing all of this especially for you because you're my favorite prisoner and you deserve the best the Fire Nation can offer its enemies."

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