Chapter 55- Melonlord

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As the day progresses, we all gathered at the rocky cliffs near the beach.

"Gather round, Team Avatar." Sokka announces, placing a carved melon on a draped mannequin. "In order to take out the Fire Lord or in this case, the Melon Lord our timing has to be perfect." He kneels down on the ground and uses a stick to draw a line heading toward the Melon Lord symbol. "First, Venus and I will draw his fire. Then, Suki, Katara and Zuko charge in with some liquidy hot offense," Sokka draws another line. "and while the Melon Lord is distracted," he draws a third line. "Aang swoops in... and bam!" Sokka demonstrates destroying the Melon Lord symbol with the line. "He delivers the final blow."

Toph speaks up, "Uh... what about me?"

"For now, you're the Melon Lord's forces," Sokka replies.

Excitedly, Toph exclaims, "So I get to chuck flaming rocks at all of you?"

Sokka smiles, replying. "Whatever makes the training feel more realistic."

Toph grins. "Sweetness."

As the training begins, Toph is surrounded by boulders coated in grease, with bowls of fire set out in front of each one. "Mwah-ha-ha-ha!" she cackles.

Katara and Sokka look at Aang and Momo who look at Sokka and I. Sokka signals to the others to start moving. Sokka and I run toward Melon Lord, but become confronted by stone Fire Nation soldiers, who suddenly rise out of the ground. Sokka cuts one stone soldier in half and while I kicked down another one. We keep running, but a large burning rock boulder falls out of the sky. I leap over the boulder. Sokka finds himself fallen down just a few inches away from the flaming boulder and jumps up.

"Watch it, Toph!" Sokka angrily expresses.

"I am not Toph," she declares. "I am Melon Lord! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

Toph lights a second boulder on fire and sends it through the air at Zuko and Katara. Suki moves swiftly around the boulder and takes on a circle of stone Fire Nation soldiers, swiftly defeating them.

"Now, Aang!" Sokka exclaimed.

Aang jumps, preparing to strike the Melon Lord with his glider staff. However, as he looks at the Melon Lord, his expression changes from anger to uncertainty. Aang stops his attack just before smashing the Melon Lord and backs away.

Watching from behind a rock, we witness the whole thing.

"What are you waiting for?" Zuko yells. "Take him out!"

"I can't," Aang admits, shaking his head.

Sokka walks up to Aang. "What's wrong with you? If this was the real deal, you'd be shot full of lightning right now."

"I'm sorry, but it just didn't feel right. I didn't feel like myself."

Sokka pulls out his sword, beheading the melon lord. Aang winces at the squishing sounds he hears. "There, that's how it's done."

A piece of melon falls on the ground near the Melon Lord. Momo slurps some melon juice out of the piece.

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Later that evening, we all gathered for dinner outside. Suki sits on Zuko's lap, and Aang seems to be lost in thought, facing away from the rest of the group.

I take a few glances at Aang.

Noticing my concern, Sokka asks, "What's wrong? Is it about Suki and Zuko? Are they dating now?"

"I think they might have feelings for each other, but that's not what's bothering me," I sigh. "I feel like we were too hard on Aang today. He's just twelve-thirteen years old, and all of this responsibility and pressure must be overwhelming for him. Asking him to consider killing the Fire Lord goes against his morals and beliefs. I just wish none of this was happening."

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