Chapter 13- The Siege of the North: Part 1

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It has been a few days since the Prince Neymar situation and I haven't spoken to Neymar since, nor have I spoken to Yue, but Sokka had been spending a lot of time with her. They had been taking brief strolls from time to time.

The majority of the time, I remained confined in the igloo. Aang and Katara felt terrible for me when Sokka explained everything to them. I didn't want them to feel pity for me.

I care about Neymar, I was only trying to help him. If I hadn't cared, I would have let him take his pills until he collapsed.

This was an eye opener for me. Now I understand the emotions Suki and the other Kyoshi warriors experienced each time I relapsed.

I had to stop thinking about this. I had the sensation that either I was going to vomit or my brain was going to explode each time I did.

When the zipper on my sleeping bag was unzipped, I was wailing beneath it.

"Katara," I groan as I look up at the waterbender.

"Venus. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." I moan.

Regretting what she said, Katara hisses. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have asked. Clearly, you aren't doing well."

"I mean-" I blurt out unintentionally, without thinking. "How could he? I was a good partner to him. H-he..I-I agreed to marry him. We liked eachother?! And he treats m-me like this?!" I cry out.

Katara inches closer to me, placing her hand behind the back of my head and pulling me into her chest. "Boys are stupid, aren't they?"

"Really stupid." In an effort to hold back my tears, I let out a little laugh.

"But-" Katara say dragging the U.

I pull away from her. "No buts, Katara. No buts."

Katara purses her lips to the side. "Try talking to him again. You are the only person who understands him."

My eyes continue to well up with tears. "I tried Katara! Did Sokka not tell you?"

My mind keeps echoing Neymar's voice.. "I don't even know why you are believing her Sokka, if what you said is true. She is a drug addict! She lies!"

Katara's eyes grow wide. "M-perhaps this time you should go on your own. Just a one on one conversation with Neymar. I know he really likes you." She says eyeing my betrothal necklace. "And I know you still like him because you wouldn't be wearing that."

Knowing she was right, I close my eyes tightly. "Okay, I'll visit him."

Katara gives me a warm smile. "Good,"

✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼

Yue had let me in while I was patiently waiting for Neymar inside his room. Yue had told me that she told her father about Neymar's problems after Sokka and I had left that night.

Chief Arnook was not only very upset about what was going on with his only son, but he was also disappointed in himself for not seeing it.

Yue had informed me that Neymar would soon arrive and that her father had sent him to a therapist to talk about his issues.

I waited patiently for the prince. I looked around his room and saw a beautiful painting of us when we first told his father we were engaged.

I smiled observing the painting, but soon turned my attention towards the door as it made a click sound.

Neymar groaned as he shut his door, locking it behind him. "Why are you here?"

I struggled to avoid making eye contact with him, I nervously played with my fingers. "I came to talk."

𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣: 𝕊𝕠𝕜𝕜𝕒 𝕩 𝕆𝕔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz