Chapter 37- The Headband

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The gang and I were traveling through the Fire Nation. Katara and Aang were using a combination of waterbending and airbending to hide Appa in the clouds.

From inside the cloud, Aang says. "I think I see a cave below."

Commandingly, Sokka says. "Shh! Keep quiet!"

Aang airbends the cloud surrounding Appa as the flying bison lands. Sokka jumps to the ground from Appa and reconnoiters, before crossing his arms and looking toward the team.

"Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud that knows how to keep its mouth shut." Sokka reconnoiters again.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in." Toph says with pure sarcasm.

Sokka turns back toward the four of us. "Hey, we're in enemy territory." He points above to show four toucan puffins standing on a rock behind him. "Those are enemy birds."

One toucan puffin jumps onto Sokka's head and screeches. We laugh, and walk toward the cave, with Sokka following behind. Suddenly, he jumps above us and comes diving down. He looks suspicious, as he runs into the cave, followed by the rest of the group.

"Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins." Sokka's head drops each time he says the word, cave. "Hiding in cave after cave after cave after cave..."

"Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes." I state.

"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out." Aang and I smile at each other. "If we get Fire Nation disguises, we would be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave."

Toph, who is sitting down with her legs slightly folded, speaks. "Plus, they have real food out there. Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave hoppers?"

Toph punches the cave wall, causing cave hoppers to jump out, Momo grabs one and eats it. He turns around and spits out a cave hopper limb.

"Looks like we got outvoted, sport. Let's get some new clothes."

Outside a Fire Nation home near a waterfall. Next to the home, clothes hang out to dry on clotheslines over natural steam vents. Katara, Aang, Sokka, Toph and I hide behind a rock wall.

Whispering, Aang says. "I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody."

"I call the silky skirt!" I jump out from behind the rock wall and grab two outfits.

"But if it's essential to our survival's...then I call the suit!" Aang jumps over the wall as everyone follows.

Aang and Toph run across, grabbing clothes. Sokka stands still, examining shirts on the clothesline.

I run past him and point to the third shirt on the clothesline. "Try the third one!"

Sokka smiles and grabs the third shirt, running after me.

Everyone had their outfits in their hand as they went behind a rock to go change into them.

I was struggling a lot. I couldn't quite get my breasts inside my top because the outfit was so complicated.

"Sok-" I changed my mind mid sentence, I didn't want Sokka seeing my breasts, I mean I did, but not at this moment or this way. "Katara!" I shouted.

Katara appeared behind my rock. "Yes?"

Katara looked beautiful, her hair was down and her outfit looked so mature, I almost couldn't recognize her.

I held my left boob in my hand as the other was strapped in the bandage shirt. "I need help."

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