Chapter 24- Bitter Work

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"Today's the day!" Aang lands near a sleeping Sokka and a half awake me. "Can you believe it? After all that time searching for a teacher, I'm finally starting earthbending!"

"And this place, it's perfect, don't you think? Sokka? Venus?" Sokka grumbles and glares at Aang with tired eyes. "Oh, you're still sleeping, huh?" Sokka again grumbles and puts his head back down. Aang whispers. "Sorry."

The ground shakes, causing me to turn to look towards the source of the rumbling. An earth tent, slabs of which are tossed in every direction mere moments after. As the dust clears, Toph is standing in the middle with her left hand raised in the air.

"Goooood morning," She puts both her hands on her hips. "Earthbending student!"

I groan in the sleeping bag, Sokka and I were sharing. I get out of it and stretch my back and arms out. I walk towards Appa, taking a seat next to him.

"Good morning, Sifu Toph." Aang bows slightly to Toph.

"Hey," Katara speaks disappointed and tiredly. "You never called me Sifu Katara."

Aang scratches the back of his head. "Well, if you think I should..."

Sokka suddenly sits up, grumbling at Aang.

"Sorry, Snoozles, we'll do our earthbending as," Toph whispers slightly, though with amusement in her voice. "Quietly as we can."

Toph slams her left heel into the ground, creating a crack. Sokka had laid himself back down. An earth pillar rises up right underneath him, catapulting him screaming into the air.

Sokka crashes to the ground in the middle with a loud thud. He immediately jumps to his feet, still in his sleeping bag with only his head visible, and hops toward Aang while grumbling.

He stops in front of the Avatar and grumbles to his face, before jumping toward Toph and doing the same to her. He subsequently hops toward the side, still grumbling angrily. Everyone else turns to watch him go.

Toph stares after Sokka with her hands to her sides. Aang had jumped up and now softly lands beside her.

It was so cute how excited he was to finally learn earthbending.

"V?" Katara softly mumbled, "Can you please do my hair for me? My style fell out while I was sleeping."

"Of course, Kat."

We sat on Appa as I began to do her hair.

" and Aang? Huh?"

"What?" Katara gasped as her shoulders perked up. "What do you mean?"

"Katara, please. It's obvious you have a little crush on that Monk over there." I said pointing to Aang who was watching Toph earthbend.


"Don't be shy," I said placing my chin on top of her head. "I think it's cute."

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah," I smile as I continue doing her hair. "You two are adorable together."

"I don't know," Katara grimaces. "He's cute, but don't you think...he's a little too young for me?"

I pause for a minute. "Maybe, But it's just like a couple years difference and if you really like him, you should go for it, but not now..maybe after the war since he's the Avatar and he's got a lot of responsibilities. I'm not sure a girlfriend is what he needs right now."

"Is that what you're doing? Waiting until the war is over so you and my brother can get together?"

I finished doing Katara's daily hairstyle. "Uh, no. I'm waiting for your brother to stop being a pussy and ask me out already."

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