Chapter 33- The Earth King

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Just outside the vast waters of Lake Laogai. We had stopped on a tiny islet in the center of the lake.

I couldn't help, but smile watching Aang embracing Appa, happy upon reuniting with him.

Deep down, I was hurting, but I didn't want to bring my negativity to the others. Everyone was so happy and relieved Appa was back, I was as well, but I also just lost someone very dear to me.

Sokka approached Katara, Toph and I. "Look, we escaped from the Dai Li. We got Appa back. I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. We're on a roll."

"One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll." Katara scolded. "And be considerate, can't you see Venus is not doing okay?"

I looked at Katara through my tears. "Don't worry, I'm good." I began to play with Jet's hook swords as I drew his name in the sand.

"Toph, take her swords." Katara shakes her head. "You know what, you shouldn't have them either. Venus give it to me."


"Give it! I don't want you hurting yourself. I'll give them back to you when you're stable."

I handed Katara, Jet's hook swords. "Yes, mom."

"We can build on it." Sokka said. "If we want to invade the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens, we'll need the Earth King's support."

Toph who was sitting on the ground spoke. "What makes you think we'll get it? I don't know if you've noticed, but things don't usually go that smoothly for our little gang."

"I know," Sokka shrugged, "but I've got a good feeling about this. This time will be different."

I quietly spoke. "Sokka, Long Feng is in control of the city. His conspiracy with the Dai Li is too powerful. And Jet's dead, I think we should just keep flying and leave this horrible place behind us, so many bad memories already."

"I'm with Sweetcakes. I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se." Toph raises her arms and opens her eyes wide. "And I can't even see!"

My lips begin to quiver. "Sweetcakes? Jet used to call me that!"

"Oh my." Sokka coughed a fit.

Katara grabbed my arm and pulled me into her chest, rubbing my back soothingly. Spirits. I was a mess.

Aang flies over to the rest of us. "But now that we have Appa back, there's nothing stopping us from telling the Earth King the truth. About the conspiracy and the War."

"See? Aang's with me." Sokka puts his arm around Aang and smiles. "It's the whole reason we came here in the first place. We have to try."

Katara thinks for a moment. "Well, I guess if the Earth King knew the truth, things could change." Sokka and Aang smile.

Toph stands up. "I don't trust the new positive Sokka." She points at Sokka in an accusing manner. "Long Feng brainwashed you, didn't he!?"

I catch a glimpse of a few ships sailing across the lake out of the corner of my eye.

"That's probably the Dai Li searching for us." Sokka turns to Katara and I to see if we'll be onboard with the plan. "So?"


Katara thinks for a moment before looking at Sokka. Determinedly, she says. "Let's fly."

We fly toward the Palace, now with no saddle, holding onto Appa's fur for dear life, especially Toph.

"Can we please buy a new saddle? Riding bareback is terrifying!" Toph buries her face in Appa's back.

We get closer to the palace. "There it is! That whole thing is the palace! The Earth King's chamber should be in the center!"

𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣: 𝕊𝕠𝕜𝕜𝕒 𝕩 𝕆𝕔Where stories live. Discover now