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Growing up life wasn't easy.

My mother, Mila had problems. All sorts of addictions.

Before I was born, she was a living prostitute. Men and woman coming in and out of her home, daily.

But one day, Mila had stumbled upon a nice, strong, handsome Earth Kingdom gentleman, Holo. Who she soon had a child with.

In the early stage of my childhood, life was good. I had a stable mom, who had given up her old life to be with her newborn daughter and fiancé. But everything had changed, when my father passed away.

I was around three years old, when my mother and I were informed about his passing. He had passed from fighting in the hundred year war.

Mila, my mother did not take this news lightly as any spouse shouldn't, but Mila was a young parent, a wild one at that. Instead of healing, she had turned to drinking, drugs, and men.

Mila the prostitute was a famous name in the village.

All the kids in the village knew who the daughter of the prostitute belonged to and they would always tease me about it.

As I was growing up, I started to resemble my mom a little more, that wasn't a bad thing, she was an extremely beautiful women, but it also brought attention towards me that I didn't want or need.

Having a pretty face never really helped me as a child.

I was molested at the age of eight. Yes, eight. Not once but multiple times by men, who would be entering my house continuously because my mother was a prostitute.

One day, I had had enough. I was tired of men touching me, I was tired of being abused, I was tired of being bullied and I was most certainly tired of the way my mother treated me.

I just packed my belongings and left. I had absolutely no idea, where I was going but I left anyways. I'd do anything to leave this stupid village.

I traveled around the earth Kingdom to find a home, but one day I had met a boy named Jet.

Jet was a young fellow, around my age, who had witnessed his parents' deaths at the hands of the Fire Nation soldiers just a couple months ago.

Jet had a team of young Earth Kingdom refugees who had been displaced by the Fire Nation and called themselves the Freedom Fighters.

Jet was a kind boy, he was different from all the other guys I've met.

To other guys I was sexy or hot, but to Jet, I was beautiful, intelligent and funny, all the encouraging compliments a girl should hear.

After a couple months of living with Jet and the freedom fighters, I began to develop a crush on the tall boy. We soon explored our feelings and began to date.

Jet was a dream, he had his moments, but never really lost his temper, unless it was about the Fire Nation. Understandable.

Jet would go on to teach me all the skills he had picked up from living on his own. Jet was very skilled in hook swords, it sometimes scared me.

Around the age of eleven, Jet and I were forced to enroll in an Earth Kingdom school.

I never had the opportunity to go to school, when I was living with my mother, I was very much closed off from the outside world.

I've always wanted to learn about the different nations and why they are the way they are.

One day in school, a group of elite woman had came into class. They called themselves the Kyoshi Warriors, named and made by Avatar Kyoshi.

They were clad in ornate, armored, green kimonos, metal headdresses, and white-faced makeup.

Their makeup art fascinated me the most, but was also somewhat intimidating.

The Kyoshi Warriors had explained that they were looking for girls around the ages of 8-14 to join them on Kyoshi Island, for training to become an official Kyoshi Warrior.

The Kyoshi warriors were basically formed to protect their home and specifically the women in it.

I immediately shot my hand in the air, I was all in for women's rights. I looked around at my other classmates to see that no one seemed to be interested in the warriors.

From that day forward, I was a Kyoshi Warrior. I had said my goodbyes to Jet and the freedom fighters.

I was promised, that I could come back to visit Jet once in a while, and he would be able to come on Kyoshi island to visit me.

Kyoshi Island was located off the Southern coast of the Earth Kingdom and dotted with many small villages.

When arriving on the Island, I was very much welcomed.

Learning the technique of their fighting style was difficult. The warriors' most prominent fighting style was not about strength, but rather about using their opponents' force against them.

I befriended a girl named Suki, who's a very skilled warrior. We trained together, gossiped together, laughed together, cried together. She basically shaped me to be the warrior I am today.

I also developed a few relationships with the other girls; they knew about my past, and they tried to help me cope with my trauma and move on, and honestly it sort of worked.

By the time I reached fourteen, I was already one of the most skilled warriors on the Island.

I was offered to be the leader of the teen Kyoshi warriors, but I politely rejected because I didn't feel like I was the right fit to be a leader.

I truly felt like myself when I had my makeup on. Yes, I know that's kind of bad but my warriors makeup basically symbolized me as a warrior, I felt as if I wasn't wearing my makeup, I would just be viewed as another pretty face and wouldn't be taken very seriously.

Little did people know, I  was battling my own addictions.

𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣: 𝕊𝕠𝕜𝕜𝕒 𝕩 𝕆𝕔Where stories live. Discover now