Chapter 46-The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion

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Sokka and I struggled to wake up the following morning because we were so sore and bruised to the bone. It took us some time to pull ourselves together.

Everyone had changed back to their normal tribe attire. Recently, I had been working on customizing my Kyoshi warrior uniform and fans.

Sokka sat at the edge of the cliff that overlooked the bay, three maps lying splayed out on the ground, while Sokka ponders over the maps intensely

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Sokka sat at the edge of the cliff that overlooked the bay, three maps lying splayed out on the ground, while Sokka ponders over the maps intensely. He closes his eyes and rubs his forehead, seemingly confused.

I walked over with a cup of water, kneeling next to him. I move Sokka's hand aside from his forehead to hand him the cup. He looks up at me and smiles. "You look pretty."

"You look pretty," I complimented back, kissing his forehead.

Aang suddenly appears, leaping into the air and landing beside Toph. "Top of the morning, Momo!"

Katara rises and places her hands on hips. "Sounds like you slept well."

Aang moves his hand aside in a sweeping motion. "Like a baby moose lion." He assumes a fighting stance and raises his fists; exuberantly. "I'm ready to face the Fire Lord."

"So, what's your strategy for taking him down?" Toph smiles and raises her hands to her eyes, her fingers wiggling outward in a mimicry of the Avatar State. "Gonna get your glow on and-" she punches the air with a determined expression on her face. "hit him with a little Avatar State action?"

Aang looks down sorrowfully. "I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning," he close his eyes briefly. "My seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe."

"You know what I just heard?" Toph holds up one hand and opens and closes it in a "gibber-gabber" expression. "Blah, blah, spiritual mumbo jumbo blah, blah, something about space."

"Oh, no." Katara lays a hand on my shoulder as we view the ocean; thick fog is visible on the horizon. Katara, appears concerned. "Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?"

Sokka stands up. "No." Five Water Tribe ships suddenly appear from amid the mist. "That is the invasion!"

At the shoreline, Aang and Toph stand by the water. They utilize earthbending to raise rock from beneath the water and form a dock. Four Water Tribe ships were already docked. The last Water Tribe ship is coming into port.

Off one of the ship by the dock, Hakoda jumps off standing nearby. Katara and Sokka run over to him.

"You made it, Dad!" Katara embraces her father happily.

Hakoda placed a hand over Sokka. "You look good son, your skin looks very clear...glowy like."

Sokka turned to me as I turned away, blushing. I stood awkwardly next to the family.

Hakoda had noticed and opened his arms up for me. I smiled embracing him in a hug as well. "Good to see you again, Venus. You look great. Love the uniform."

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