Chapter 31-The Tales of Venus and Sokka

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Surprisingly, the past few days have gone quite well since the incident with Long Feng. But, whenever we went out to run some errands or just walk around town. "Joo Dee" would accompany us.

When I had woken up from bed, I made my way over to the bathroom which seemed to be occupied by all my friends.

Aang's head is covered in shaving cream as he shaves his head with his shaving tool. Katara is putting her hair loopies back together as she looks in the mirror.

Sokka is shirtless in front of the mirror as he has little facial hair, which he cuts off using the end of his machete. Once Sokka notices my presence in the bathroom. He clicks his tongue. "Morning, V!"

After washing my face with cold water at the sink, I grabbed a towel and gently patted my face dry. "Morning, Sokka. Aang, Katara."

"Good morning!" They all replied.

I grabbed my toothbrush and applied toothpaste to it as I walked near the mirror that everyone was using. I could see Sokka giving me slight glances as I brushed my teeth.

My eyes pondered over his body, but immediately looked away. I had some many inappropriate thoughts going through my head, but let me keep that to myself.

Sokka and I still hadn't had a chance to talk. And to be honest, I wasn't upset about it, we've been super busy lately with Long Feng and the King drama, but these few days have been relaxing so maybe I could squeeze in some time to chat with Sokka.

I noticed that someone was missing as I continued to brush my teeth. "Where's Toph," I mumble with a mouth loaded with toothpaste foam.

Katara groans. "She probably hasn't woken up yet; let me go wake her." I am left alone with the two boys when Katara leaves the bathroom.

It was awkward for a while; I did my best to avoid eye contact and concentrate solely on brushing my teeth.

I could see Sokka furiously motion Aang to disappear. Aang didn't seem to get the hint until Sokka pressed his palms together and pointed at me, then at himself.

Aang's mouth flew open. "What are you two going to do in here?!" Aang glances over at me, frightened.

"Aang!" Sokka shouts annoyed, "just go..go!"

As the avatar grabs his belongings and leaves the bathroom, he shrugs his shoulders. Leaving Sokka and I alone.

After I finished brushing, I spit out the toothpaste and use the water to rinse out my mouth. I take my hair out of its messy bun as my wrinkly curls flow down my back.

"Hey, V?"

I turn my attention to Sokka. "Y-yeah?"

"I was wondering...."

I eagerly waited for him to finish his sentence. "Mhm hmm."

"I was just curious if you had any plans for today?"

So that we wouldn't be on opposite sides of the bathroom, I shifted closer to Sokka. "I don't have any plans for today. You?"

He shook his head. " plans."

As I awkwardly stared into Sokka's stunning ocean eyes, I puckered my lip in between my teeth.

Sokka quietly murmured, "Uh...I'm sorry. I'm getting lost in your eyes, I don't even remember what I wanted to say." I could tell he was having a hard time expressing what he wanted to tell me.

I grinned stupidly as I looked at Sokka through my lashes. "Sokka, do you want to hang out today, just me and you?"

As Sokka struggled to maintain his smile, his dark red cheeks caught my attention as I studied his face. "I thought you'd never ask."

𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣: 𝕊𝕠𝕜𝕜𝕒 𝕩 𝕆𝕔Where stories live. Discover now