Chapter 4- The Waterbending Scroll

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Aang is pacing around in Appa's saddle, breathing heavily.

"Would you sit down?" Sokka scolds as he turns around from Appa's head. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you anyway?"

"It's what Avatar Roku said. I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives."

"Well, let's see." Sokka hums. "You pretty much mastered airbending and that only took you a hundred and twelve years. I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer."

"I haven't even started waterbending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I gonna do?" Aang freaks.

Katara grabs Aang's arm. "Calm down, it's going to be okay." Aang sits down in front of her. "If you want, I can try to teach you some of the stuff I know."

"You'd do that?" Aang gasps.

Katara nods and looks over the side of Appa's saddle. "We'll need to find a good source of water first."

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in." Sokka grins.

Soon; Aang, Katara, Sokka, and I are standing in front of a large waterfall and river.

Appa flies down into the river and creates a huge splash that soaks and almost knocks Momo off the rock he is standing on.

Aang takes off his shirt, smiling. "Yeah! Don't start without me, boy!" He begins to run towards the water.

I giggle at the cute air bender, he was so full of joy.

"Whatcha laughing at?" Sokka asks.

I turn to face the water tribe boy as I lightly frown. "Why are you always in my business?"

Sokka raises his hands up in surrounder. "Hey, hey, was just asking."

Aang happily turns to Sokka as he hands him a branch with a bushel of leaves at the end. "Hey, Sokka. You wouldn't mind cleaning the gunk out of Appa's toes, would you?"

Sokka makes a face and crosses his arms. "So, while you guys are playing in the water, I'm supposed to be hard at work picking mud out of a giant bison's feet?"

Aang smiles; somewhat cheerfully. "Venus can help too!"

"I can what now?"

"Okay." Sokka says taking my head in his arms, pulling me into a chokehold, while making his way towards Appa.

"You wouldn't dare." I hiss as Sokka had me beside the water.

"I'll push you in, try me."

With my elbow, I swing it against Sokka's stomach as he releases me from his grasp. He then grabs my hair, yanking me into the water along with him.

I giggle as I resurface the water.

Sokka deeply blushes as he stares at me a little speechless.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a tint of laughter.

"Your makeup..." Sokka pauses. "It's gone."

I touch my face, feeling my wet skin. My makeup had completely washed off from the pressure of the water. "Oh my spirits." I groan turning around.

Sokka quickly swims next to me. "Venus, why are you hiding?"

I swim away from him and hide behind the giant bison.

"V. Come on." Sokka pleads.

I deeply sigh, covering my face with my hands as Sokka makes his way towards me.

𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣: 𝕊𝕠𝕜𝕜𝕒 𝕩 𝕆𝕔Where stories live. Discover now