Chapter 40

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I am so sorry this chapter took so freaking long to publish. I've been out of town for the past week and a half and I didn't have time to write. I'm sorry!! - Ives


Jimmy woke up to see Scott sitting at the edge of the bed reading a book. Once he noticed that Jimmy was awake he closed it.

"So, are you feeling better?" Scott said, setting his book aside.

"Less tired? Yeah. But less stressed? No way. But, hey, you're back so things are better already."

Scott grinned. "Well, that's good."

Jimmy sat up and rubbed the side of his head. "How long was I out?" he asked, yawning.

"A couple hours." Scott said, shrugging.

Jimmy hummed in response and pulled himself out of bed. He stood up and stretched his arms towards the ceiling and yawned once more. Jimmy walked over to the window as Scott stepped up beside him. The elf wrapped his arms and wings around his boyfriend. The blond sighed. He wondered if when he became king if he and Scott could have a future like this.

Scott interrupted his train of thought by unwrapping his arms from Jimmy's shoulders and stood beside him, lacing their fingers together.

"So, are you ready for all this formal stuff?" Scott asked, leaning forwards slightly to look at Jimmy.

"Eh," Jimmy said. "I'll be glad when it's all over."

Scott laughed, "Yeah. Also, did you even get to choose anything about this?"


"Ugh. Typical."

Then a knock sounded at the door and both boys turned towards it. Jimmy stepped forwards and opened it slowly.

Two people stood outside it. A servant, probably sent by Jimmy's father, and Xornoth, Scott's brother.

"Hi," Xornoth said, giving a small wave.

The servant rushed forwards (unlike Xornoth, who was waiting patiently) and grabbed Jimmy's wrist. "Come sir! Your father needs to see you!"

Jimmy glanced back at Scott and silently tried to tell him that they could talk later. Scott seemed to understand and nodded. He shut the door behind him and proceeded to walk down the street with Xornoth.

The servant yanked Jimmy towards the palace. Yep, sure gonna be glad when this is over, thought as they passed through the large door. 

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