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This morning was not as bright and clear as usual, the sky has not stopped crying since last night,Dark clouds were surrounded all around, giving the message that these rains are not going to stop yet...

Standing on the outlet of the Pink Rose Palace, taehyung, namjoon, lisa and jimin Was taking adieu with eachother After so multitudinous quarrel with yoongi, Taehyung eventually persuade him to allow them to leave..

Yoongi was not allowing them to leave in this ponderous precipitation. How ever taehyung assure him and here they are standing wearing froth trech coat To secrete their frame to getting saturate..

Yesternight jimin didn't sought to expatiate To yoongi being wise that he is still infuriated with him He was somewhat anguish that yoongi also didn't endeavor To expatiate with him

Perceiving the extent between them,  hoseok and jin sought to expatiate with him but yoongi constantly disavow them Saying "its not like that or Dont think much"

Other hand jungkook also sought to talk with jimin but he constantly shift the query That made jungkook aggravate And he left his chamber in discontent That made jimin sigh in  strain.!

Seokjin didn't even glance at namjoon once, ensuing thier aggregate quarrel.! That made namjoon more liable for his resonance with Seokjin...

Like wise Lisa didn't interrelate with Hoseok once since the sunrise And that's make him baffled by her unforeseen attitude. He attempted to talk to her but she invariably response with "I am occupied  tody to help Royal prince" And he couldn't able to talk to her.!

She also receded with jimin, and jimin indeed noticed it and he probably know why she is receded with him, he know he hurt her and surely will going to apologise after reaching purple moon pack...

Taehyung yesternight refresh thanked and apologise with jungkook, that create so many perplexity, he didn't argue on this yet felt deficient when taehyung told him about pursuing a geniune consort for him. He just smile and didn't uttered anything...

Taehyung reverence how much altruistic soul jungkook is, Tae knows how grieve he must be at this moment yet he can't do anything, he condemn divinity for scribbling their fate like this. 

And he also perceived the hostility between jimin and yoongi, but didn't obtrude musing might be their private dilemma...

And other hand jimin as well spotted that yoongi and jungkook didn't talked to eachother since sunrise not getting any moment to catechise about it to jungkook.

Shanaya and the guard of jungkook also bowed and wished them, and kiss jimin's knuckle in respect anyhow he is going to be the Monarch of the Pink Rose Palace. He lovingly smile at them

Individually they mount on their own horse's. Jimin was intending to mount his female horse Adira But couldn't sensing a Delicate grip on his graceful yet mighty wrist.!

Turning around he witnessed yoongi. His eye's sparkle in gladness musing Leastways he approach him. Yoongi didn't utter anything he just gracefully haul jimin toward himself, making him puff a little agile And peck on his forehead that made him smile as he whispered softly.!

Yoongi: I apologise my love! For envision so lame about you! For my notion with you! For my doubting on you!

Jimin was sacred to have that token of affection of his future mate But was baffled, why suddenly he apologise with him! His eye's turn to look at jungkook, who smiled and wink at him a kind of worry and anxiety  appeared in his soft monolid syrup like eye's...

Envisaging that prince jeon might have told him everything, he flicker his eyes up to look at those soft yet guilt filled eye's And open his mouth to query but didn't when yoongi shook his head with a slight smile as he clarified...

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