Chapter 26: Stages of Loss

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Chapter 26: Stages of Loss

July 2016

Serenity hit the ground running. She knew the best way to pull herself up and heal was to experience the stages of loss. The loss of love, the loss of time, and most importantly, the loss of herself. She had to be away from the group for a bit to get through the beginning of it. Or she would take it out on them. True, they do deserve some lash back for what they did, but a lot of her anger was at herself. She never wanted to be the woman that let a man run all over her. Her mother and father raised her better than that. Her family instilled in her the faith in herself to stand on her own and not need anyone. She had spent months searching for when things turned, and all roads lead to Jared. He was so amazing at first. She truly loved him. Then it all came crashing down. The insults, the cheating, the fake guilt, she was going to hit her anger head-on and not bury it anymore. 

July 1rst, 2016


We headed to China for a Press Conference and BTS LIVE stage. We would finish then head to Colorado. Bang Nim said we could have a week off and we all wanted to spend the Fourth of July with Serenity like before. She had been completely silent since she left us in New York. We were excited to see her. 

If they only knew. 

Third person POV


Serenity went shopping and bought new journals and pens. She was going to write down things about her relationships, the good and the bad to see if she can target the pros and cons and if there is a pattern to how she is in a relationship. It wasn't about what her significant other did to her as much as it was about how she reacted to each one. She wanted to see what she may need to work on to resolve her behavior to have a successful, long-term relationship in the future. That was a very long way away, but she wanted to put in the work for her benefit. The first things she wrote surprised her, both Jared and Bangtan won her over by telling her she was amazing and perfect. That she was so caring, kind, and giving. Jared had told her she was his Helen of Troy because Serenity was in the process of dating Chris who was her other close friend. Chris was like her, the "nice" one. Her mother liked him way better than Jared. Bangtan was similar, they praised her and put her on a pedestal. They pursued her relentlessly and when they finally caught her, it was good until they realized she wasn't as perfect as they had hoped. Serenity wrote everything that came to mind." Well, that sucked", she stated and closed the journal to go get a ride on her horse, at midnight to clear her head. 

July 3rd, 2016


We arrived just after 3 pm in Denver. A van took us to Parker, Colorado where Serenity lived. Namjoon got out and rang the bell at the gate. Lucas's voice called out "Who's there?". "It's your Namjoon hyung Luke, can you let us in", Namjoon replied. The gate slowly opened and we rode up to the house. "I can't wait to fish in the lake", Jin said. They pulled into the front entrance and began grabbing all their luggage. 

Kyong met them at the door. "Did Serenity know you were coming? She didn't say anything. ", she asked. Jungkook jumped up to her to hug her. "Nope, it's a surprise", he replied. Kyong smiled and then took a deep breath. "She is out riding right now, come on in and I'll get you settled", she says and leads them inside. After settling in, the three youngest all head to the arcade with Lucas. Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok get a drink and walk out to the porch to look at the view of the mountains. They were discussing upcoming songs they were working on for the next album when they heard a horse neighing. Yoongi looks up to see Serenity riding across a plain at full speed. She was beautiful and graceful. "Wow", Namjoon states and Hoseok nods his head. Serenity arrives at the man-made creek behind the house and dismounts. She leads the horse to the water trough and pets its head lovingly. Her caretaker arrives to lead the horse back to the stable. Serenity looks up at the four visitors. "Welcome back to Serenity Ridge", she jokes and makes her way to them. "Are you surprised?''Hoseok happily hugs her and spins her around. Serenity laughs and nods her head. She quickly goes to get cleaned up while her mother orders take out to be delivered since they had guests. The members wanted Chinese food so they ordered a lot. Serenity was in the shower contemplating what she has been doing the last few days. She wasn't sure she was comfortable with them here, it would put her off task. Then again, maybe it would help her to confront how she feels about how their relationship. She made her way to her closet and got dressed in a t-shirt and leggings. Then headed to the dining area for dinner. 

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