Chapter Two: Dinner and invite

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June 11th, 2013

After settling into the hotel in Gangnam, Serenity looked for a restaurant to go have dinner with Lucas. Shawn was exhausted and decided to stay in so she was on her own with her son. After looking up restaurants on her phone she settled on Yoojung Sikdang. A local restaurant that had rave reviews. She grabbed her purse and Lucas and headed there. 

The restaurant was only slightly busy so she walked in and asked for a table for two. The owner smiled and said it would be a short wait because all their small tables were filled. Serenity said they would wait and sat at the entrance with Lucas on her lap. A large group of guys came walking in and spoke to the owner. They were ushered to a large table. One of the guys looked at Lucas and waved at him. Lucas waved back and giggled while leaning into his mothers neck. Serenity smiled at the guy and he returned it with a huge smile that showed his dimples. 

The guys all looked over the menu discussing what they were getting after sitting down. The oldest noticed his friend was distracted and got his attention. 

"Namjoon-ah, what are you looking at?" Seokjin asked. Jin waved his hand in front of Namjoons face and looked in the direction he was looking. He saw a lovely American lady sitting with a boy in her lap. 

"That boy is really cute, and the lady is pretty, isn't she? "Namjoon asked. 

Yoongi glanced towards the restaurant entrance to see what they were talking about. He wondered why the two hadn't been seated yet. Taking initiative, he stood up and walked over to the owner. After finding out they were waiting for a small table to open up, Yoongi walked back to the table and explained the situation to the rest of the group. 

"We should invite her to join us", Jimin said. 

They all agreed and then looked at Namjoon. He looked at his friends and pointed to himself "who me?", he asked. Everyone nodded and he sighed standing up. 

Serenity was watching a video with Lucas when she noticed two converse sneakers standing in front of her. She raised her head and came face to face with the guy that Lucas waved at earlier. As soon as her eyes met his she smiled big showing off her own dimples.

Namjoon stood there frozen for a second at the beautiful eyes staring back at him. The boy on her lap giggled and said "Hello Hyung". 

Namjoon smiled and said "you speak very good Korean". Lucas beamed and curled into his mother. 

"Me and my friends were wondering if you would like to join us for dinner, we noticed there are not going to be any small tables open for a bit", he said. 

Serenity took a look towards thier large table and saw the other guys smiling and waving. 

"Please mom, I'm starving", Lucas whined. Serenity sighed and looked back at the guy in front of her. "That would be great, Thank you so much, my name is Serenity and this is Lucas", she said referring to her son. 

She stood up after setting Lucas down to walk and they walked towards the others. 

"It's our pleasure, my name is Namjoon", he replied as they approached the table. 

The rest of the guys stood as they approached the table to bow and Serenity and Lucas bowed back. 

"This is Serenity and Lucas", Namjoon said. 

The guys bowed again and introduced themselves. 

"I'm seokjin, but you can call me Jin,'' the tall broad shoulders guy said. Serenity bowed and smiled. He is handsome, she thought. 

She looked to the next man, "I'm taehyung and this is jungkook" he said and patted the guy to his left. 

Jungkook blushed and smiled "Hi noona" he said. 

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