Chapter 24: Flawed

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Chapter 24: Flawed 

January 9th, 2016

New years had come and gone. Serenity was on her way back home to Korea. She told them that she would be back after the Seoul Music Awards on the 14th. Bangtan moved back into their dorms on the 5th. Serenity, Lucas and her mother entered into a quiet house. "Bangtan Hyungs are gone momma right?" Lucas asked. Serenity stared down at him. "Yes bug, they went back to their house", Serenity replied. He hugged her legs, "I get you all to myself again", he giggled. Serenity laughed and picked him up. They all unpacked and went about settling back into a routine. 

Bangtan had left that day for Taiwan. She had heard from Sejin that the holiday was hard on them because they had so many things to do and that Namjoon had been injured. She did talk and text them while she was gone, but she didn't want to return earlier. She wants a few days with just her, Lucas and her mother. While she still loved each of the members, she knew she would have a talk with them, just like Jared. Their actions have shown her that their kind words and support are simply their regret for the things they had done wrong. She would not glaze over them and continue as if it had not happened. Her self worth was damaged and she would have restitution. They would return the day after tomorrow and have a few days before they had to attend the Seoul Music Awards on the 14th. She had written each member a letter. Their reaction to those letters would dictate how they would proceed in their interactions on a daily basis. She knew they would be upset, but it had to happen in order for all parties to move forward. 

Serenity went to their dorm the following day to see the remodel and to stock everything up that they needed. She prepped a huge amount of food and filled their kimchi fridge. She left each member's letter on their night stands. As she left, she took a deep breath, releasing her residual anger and resentment. 

January 11th, 2016

The members arrived at their dorm after their flight. When they enter, the smell of food encompasses them. Jin ran into the kitchen excitedly expecting Serenity, but it was empty. A note sat on the counter. 

Welcome Back Bangtan,

I thought you would enjoy a home cooked meal upon your return. Everything is all stocked up for you. Have a lovely dinner and I will see you all tomorrow at rehearsals for the Award show. 


Jin was sad she wasn't there to welcome them. They all placed their bags in their rooms and regrouped to have dinner. After dinner, they headed for their rooms. Each had found the letter Serenity left.

Taehyung POV

After showering I sat on my bed holding the letter from Noona. I knew everyone got one. I was scared. This letter could mean she was never going to be with me ever. I turned it over and peeled back the opening. 


I want to start off by telling you that I will always cherish our time together. You made me feel so supported and safe. I never doubted your feelings because you were so open about them. I admire you for that because it is something I wish I could be. I'm writing this because I want to let you know how I'm feeling without interruption or argument. I love you all, but I'm not going to ignore what was done. I put my faith and trust in all of you and I was repeatedly let down. Thank you for being the only one regretful enough to tell me about Gfriend. I appreciate your honesty. However, I will not ignore that you disregarded my feelings. I trusted you with my heart, and you threw it away because I was too busy. You told me that you would wait for me. Then when you caught me, you tossed me aside. I can forgive you Taehyung, but I will never forget the betrayal. I know you held a hope that someday, I would, but I won't. Everytime I try to forget, I see you and Umji together in my head. I watched as you stomped on my heart with every kiss or hug. We were together when you cheated. You can act like it wasn't a big deal, but to me it was. Any romantic attachment I had to you was severed completely. I will always cherish the times we had, but only as memories to not be repeated. I'm still going to be around to help, but I'm drawing a line. Do not pursue me Taehyung. Give me the respect to move on. 

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