Chapter 23: The wind from one door closing opens another

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Chapter 23: The wind from one door closing opens another

December 2015

Serenity was enjoying her time in Colorado. She had her Rocky Mountains Christmas that she had been missing surrounded by her friends and family. She had left for a short weekend to visit her friend Cassandra. They had been friends since they were fifteen. Their parents were best friends so they were constantly thrown together as well. She drove her car down the familiar roads of her friend's quite remote town. Being here made her nervous, her ex lived here. This is where she met him. His personality and charm won her over. Their relationship was good at first, they met, became close friends and over time became more. Driving past buildings brought back memories both good and bad. She chuckled remembering her past. Her hands curled around the steering wheel. She had a clear mission for this trip, closure. She didn't bring Lucas with her because she had one thing to do, talk to Jared. Cassandra was waiting on her porch when she pulled into her driveway. "There is my bestie, about dang time", she called out. Serenity chuckled and greeted her with an embrace. They sat down on the porch and relaxed while talking. "So, I didn't think I would ever get you out here without divine intervention. I'm assuming that you meet someone. The only reason you would venture to my part is to finally get over the past, but damn time", Cassie says with a smile. Serenity smiled back, "it's time to close the book on him Cass, is he around much?''Serenity asked. Cassandra nodded, "he is, he works at the Jiffy Lube downtown, he goes to the bar Thursday through Saturday with his boys, just like before", she replied. Serenity shakes her head, "is he seeing someone?", she asked. Cassandra laughed, "He is Jared after all, he bounces more than a basketball. He hasn't dated anyone seriously since you. But he ain't exactly pining for you either", she says. Serenity chuckles and shakes her head. "I'll text him later, right now I want to see my Godson and Goddaughter", Serenity beams. They head into the house, Serenity spent the evening with Cassandra and her family. Cassie was a small town country girl, and she was happy. Her first marriage ended in disaster. He was an abusive asshole. Serenity came to help with the kids when they divorced. She bought her a house with land for a farm. To look at her you wouldn't know she worked as a prison guard. She met Mike a year after the divorce. They were made for eachother. Sherry was so happy for them. She texted Andrew and Margarita, mutual friends of her and Jared. They arranged to meet for dinner the next day with Jared in tow. Her nerves were on edge. She laid in the guest room staring at the ceiling. Her notification on her phone went off and it was text from Jin.

Hello Sweetheart,

I hope you're doing OK. I miss you so much. I would love to talk to you. I just need to hear your voice. Please call me.

Serenity stares at the screen. It was like he knew she was in turmoil. She pulled up his number and called him. "Hello Sweetheart", Jin says. His voice soothed her nerves. "Hi, I miss you too. Are you alright? What's wrong?", Serenity asked. "I'm just missing you. Are you enjoying your break?", he asks. Serenity chats with him and also talks with Namjoon and Hoseok since they were around. After hanging up, she sighed out and fell into a restful sleep. She wakes up to a text from Yoongi.


Hello my love,

I missed your call yesterday and wanted to tell you something important. Jin said you are meeting with Lucas's father this weekend and I know you are stressed. Just remember, you are the most amazing, smart, kind and appealing person I have ever had the pleasure to meet. And the most important thing, you taught me that no one can make you feel bad about yourself without your permission. Walking into that dinner like his walking away was the best thing that happened to you, because it was. I love you. Always.

Serenity received similar texts from the others. They were all supporting her and cheering her on. She could do this.

She had a girl's spa day with Cassandra at a local beauty shop, then headed back to get ready. She looked at herself in the mirror. To the naked eye, she was the same girl from six years ago. The changes in her were below the surface. She put on a fitted tank top, skinny jeans, her timberlands and slid Jungkook's hoodie over her head. He had given it to her during their last visit in Busan. It felt like a shield to her, the members would help her get through this weekend, even from across the world. She said goodbye to Cassandra and made her way down to Brothers pub, the local restaurant and pool hall.

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